Karate Classes - Trent University and SSFC Students
No matter your school of Goju Ryu you belong to. Come and train
Registration Open
Monthly Fee = $65.00
In-Person Classes: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays,Thursdays, Fridays: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
and Saturdays 10:00am to 12:00pm
Goju Ryu takes its name from Go, the principle of concentrated force or “hardness,” and Ju, the principle of pliability or “softness.” Goju Ryu seeks a balance between hard and soft in its techniques, physical training and philosophy. The term Ryu, “stream,” refers to the traditional lineage of this martial art, passed from teacher to student for generations. Certain aspects of the Goju Ryu taught at Seito Bugei Juku (Okinawa Goju Ryu, to distinguish it from Japanese Goju Ryu) have been preserved in their original form, while others have been enhanced through studies in anatomy, kinesiology, and physics.
In addition, Okinawa Goju Ryu includes special exercises to condition the body and improve mental focus.
Location: Dojo Studio/Zoom Backup
Our Kata comes from Higaonna Morio Hanshi, Judan
No Matter which school of Goju Ryu you come from you are welcome to Train!!
Please contact me before coming
Phone Number -705 868 5754
E-Mail - seitobugeijuku@gmail.com
Or visit:
sbjpeterborough.com for more information

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