Adult Female Cat Looking for Forever Home
It is with a heavy heart that I am looking to re-home my son's senior cat Missy. Due to circumstances beyond his control, my son needs to re-home his 14 year old spayed female cat. Missy is healthy with no health issues and is litter trained. She is friendly and loving once she gets to know you. I have been taking care of her for the past few months with the hope that circumstances would change but that has not been the case. In my home, Missy has to stay in a room by herself since she doesn't feel comfortable around my large dogs although she was living with a smaller dog before coming to my home. Having to stay alone is not fair to her.
She comes with her carrying cage, bowls, hairball medication, treats, cat tree, toys and litter pans. Because I want her to go to a forever home where she will be safe and loved, I will need to do a telephone interview for screening purposes followed by an in-person interview so I can see how will prospective caregivers interact with Missy.
If you feel you could give Missy a permanent home, please contact me (Valerie) by e-mail or at 705-448-9056 (home) or 705-306-0596 (cell).

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2009-05-24 00:00:00
pets | cats, kittens for rehoming