The Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) is required in Canada to apply for your Possession and Acquisition License (PAL). In Canada, you cannot own or buy a firearm or ammunition without obtaining your PAL. The content of this course is controlled and approved by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Firearms Program and was developed to meet the mandatory requirements of section 7 of the Firearms Act. Existing firearm safety courses across Canada has a proven track record in the reduction of firearm-related incidents. However, most of these courses have been designed and delivered for firearms use in a specific activity. The CFSC is an introductory firearm safety course intended for all new firearms users.
Once the CFSC is completed an optional Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC) may be taken which allows qualified individuals to purchase and possess firearms that are classified as ‘restricted’. Individuals who wish to acquire restricted firearms must also pass the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course tests. This classification includes handguns, as well as some long guns.
The goal of the Canadian Firearms Program is the safe and responsible use of firearms, and it includes a range of activities directed toward achieving that goal such as the following:
The licensing of all firearm owners and businesses;
The delivery of the Canadian Firearms Safety Courses;
Public education regarding safe storage, transport and use of firearms; and
Import and export controls.
Your personal information is carefully protected by the Canadian Firearms Program, consistent with the Firearms Act and its Regulations, federal and provincial privacy laws and other applicable statutes.

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