Chicks & Hatching Eggs
Females are $25 each (guaranteed female)
Marans $15
Straight run Easter Eggers $8.
Discounts on multiples
Black/Blue Copper Marans - eggs & unsexed chicks.
Olive Eggers - sexed female chicks or sexlinked eggs.
Cream/ Opal Legbars - autosexed blue layers
Fibro Easter Eggers - sexed female chicks or sexlinked eggs (females will lay a greenish to blueish egg)
Easter Eggers- Eggs and Unsexed chicks but females will be Guaranteed to lay blue/green/olive.
$55/dozen for Marans
$55/dozen for Legbars
$55/dozen for the Olive Eggers/fibro Green Layers that will be we sexable at hatch
$30/dozen for the Easter Eggers that will all result in coloured layers (Roos are wheaten Americauna, Silverudd’s Blue and Legbar to ensure a variety of cool looking chicks with crests, puffy cheeks and unique feather patterns in addition to cool coloured eggs)
A $5 discount per dozen when order more then one dozen

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | livestock