GMO-Free & Organic Grains and Feed
We are a small on farm, family run feed mill . Our goal is to provide healthy , wholesome, and more natural feed choices at reasonable prices . Our feeds are formulated with locally grown NON-GMO ingredients. We have both GMO-Free and Organicly Grown products .
Whole Oats $10.00/40 pound bag
Whole Corn Non-GMO $12.00 /25 kg bag ,
Wheat $13.00/ 25 kg bag
Roasted Beans Non-GMO $26.00/25 kg bag
The above products are also available as Organically Grown
Totes can be ordered
Also complete feeds calf, poultry (layer & broiler), pig, deer &wildlife feed.
GMO Free 17% Layer $22.00/25 kg bag
Organicly Grown 17% Layer $27.00 /25 Kg bag
Broiler Chicken Grower Finisher GMO-Free $21.00/25 kg bag
We offer custom mixes and Custom Soybean Roasting .
Deer feeds are all GMO-Free and includes the following choices
Apple Flavor
Molasses Flavor
Unflavored Feed
also Deer Mineral ,Apple , Vanilla, and Unflavored choices
We also carry Bale wrap , net wrap , and liquid molasses
Wednesday 9-5
Friday 9-5
Saturday 9-12
Otherwise by appointment
Jay Pearl Feeds
129 Snake River Line
Cobden ON
K0J 1K0
Call or text 613-281-4475
Email: jaypearlfeeds@mwpol.ca

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | livestock