March Break Trick Riding Workshop
Tuesday March 12th 9am -3pm at
Maple Rock Stables Gowanstown
For all ages
A fun hands on day of all things Trick Riding. Learn tones of classic trick riding moves frist on the barrels then on our awesome horses
There is something for everyone weather you’ve done it before or just want to come try it out. See what you can do!
What you need
Athletic clothing, nothing too loose or baggy that could get caught up.
No hoodies please
Hair must be tied up and out of faces
Form fitting running shoe - wrestling shoes or pumas are a good reference
Dress for the weather, we will be out in the shed for the day.
Bring a lunch, drinks and snacks - food is fuel
A willing and positive attitude:)
This is a very hands on day with lots of interaction, safety, instruction and fun!
We look forward to having you

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