Free Silkie Roos Bearded/ Crested!
All boys found homes. Please DM if looking as we have younger grow out roos that will be available soon in a variety of common & unique colours. **Homes not for food.**
Current Roos available all in the 8 months - 12 month range.
All kind boys, great with their girls. They are my extras & I have more chicks I held back in growouts so some gotta move!
All vaccinated for Marek’s, ILT, Bronchitis, Newcastle.
SOLD White Silkie Roo
SOLD Blue Cream Silkie Roo (this is a porcelain colour not the same as “blue”)
SOLD Black silkie Roo with leakage. If you want to breed for floof & type so aren’t concerned about leakage THIS is your boy! He is stunning & makes beautiful babies. The leakage is a problem for my programs.
For more details on us check out:
Please note for the safety of our flock & clients flocks we do not accept a bird back after it leaves the property. We have strict biosecurity & the only new bloodlines on property come from eggs.

- Offered by: Registered Breeder
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | livestock