Looking for adoption for dog or puppy Thursday
Looking to adopt a puppy or dog any breed any age that cam handle a condo and daily runs or just relaxing. Im 28 year old living alone and need a companion 24 7 365 forever. I trained dogs at petsmart, managed a petValu and specialized in dogs in and birds at pj's pets. Lots of experience in grooming Aa well . I live in Edmonton I'm currently in a hotel but I'm moving in a week or so to a huge house , I can pay 150 for gas and adoption fees . I need a protective and company dog forever and ever 7892453648 please please if u choose me no turning back when u drop off pup it would destroy me thank you so much thelesyk92@gmail.com
Kristin would do 250$ tops need the rest for lisecence vet insurance food general supplies etc

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Wanted
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2018-07-12 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming