White Swiss Shepherd
7 mo old intact Male White Swiss Shepherd (Berger Blanc Suisse)
Unfortunately due to my rapidly declining health, I am having to rehome Casper. His increasing strength (he is approx. 50lbs) & his energy levels, are incredibly difficult on my body (he pulls me when on a leash) & as the summer heat is upon us, it’s also unfair for him to be living in a very hot apartment (and the really hot weather hasn’t even begun!)
He hasn’t been away from me for more than 20 minutes since I got him, so he will be best suited in a home where someone is home all day with him.
He hasn’t been around other animals, (due to a skin condition that has finally cleared up), but does NOT like the neighborhood stray cats, so a home without any cats is preferred.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2021-10-28 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming