Male Crested Gecko with Bioactive Terrarium
I completed this build in 2017. There are multiple different plants in the tank. There are 4 different species of isopods, powder orange, white dwarfs, dairy cows, and orange Dalmatian. There is also springtails, and some super worms, that makes up the cleanup crew. The soil is a custom made ABG mix. With a layer of leaf litter. (Can also give an extra bag of oak leaves)
A male crested gecko lives in this tank. I'm not entirely sure how old he is. I was told he was about 2 years old when I got him in 2017. He was a rescue when I got him. He was being kept in a very small kritter keeper. I wouldn't normally keep a crested gecko in a tank that is only 18" tall but compared to what he was it this was a massive upgrade. He has a overbite. His upper jaw is a bit bigger then his lower jaw. Not sure if it was from being kept in a small container or it was a birth defect. He is only pet quality. He eats Pangea and crickets and the occasional super worm he finds in his tank.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
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