Huge assortment of tack western & English
Prices & descriptions below in order of pictures **everything fits full size horse unless specified otherwise**
- black & grey leather large pony halter new with tags $50
- new brown halter fuzzies size full $50
- white Ogilvy jump profile pad has embroidery $30
- teal Ogilvy baby jump pad new with tags $50
- burgandy Lettia western cool max saddle pad $65
- blue & pink smbs ventech size large set of 4 $60
- green rope halter & lead full size $20
- orange rope halter & lead new full size $25
- blue lead rope and orange lead rope $10 for both
- lavender lounge line $15
- western gaming reins yellow set & pink set $10 each
- weaver leather suade covered barrel reins $25
- English stirrups $15/set
- English breastplates $30 each
- English reins $15 each
- English nosebands $10 each
Located Havelock, occasionally in Peterborough or Belleville.
Can ship at buyers expense.

- Ad Type: Offering
pets | equestrian, livestock accessories