Jersey Cow
Margo is an 8 yr old cow
She is very friendly and in your pocket type animal, she raised two calfs plus supplied house milk with no problem last year Margo is currently dry and was IA four weeks ago with Angus bull. Had her with a young Angus bull most of the summer to only find out he was a dud he had no instrest in the cows.
Margo walks on a lead with a halter and loads onto a trailer with ease. She is very friendly with anyone, she's out with horse and one other Heifer she's use to dogs. She well trained with electric fences
She's use to being in the barn at night and in a standing stall.
When in milk you can even milk her out in the pasture, she's use to being milked by machine or hand milking
She is registered with Jersey Canada
Call Steve

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | livestock