Pets with in Canada.
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It breaks my heart to do this but my fur baby is looking for his forever home.. he is 9 and a half weeks old and has his first set of shots. I unfortunately cannot keep him or have the time due to life circumstances.. he needs a good home and someone who can spend the time he needs with him.
He is awesome will all people, cats, and dogs.. most cuddly little guy out there!
Beautiful puppies looking for their forever loving home available. Eight weeks old. Great with children and other animals comes vet checked deworming and first shots. ONLY MALES AVAILABLE
Two pups left, mom is standard american pocket bully, dad is americian bully. pups were born on oct 8 2024 and ready to be rehomed on november 19 2024, $ 1.000 each pls contact for further details.
Purebreed rough coat border collie (showline) puppy,he is healthy and lively.puppy pee pad trained,very playful and used to people and pets.he has been vaccinated and dewormed once.
welcome to consult the puppy's information,only accept text messages.
I have 5 puppies left out of a litter of 10. They were born on July 25 th so are already 12 weeks old so are ready to go. There mom is the pitbull and has been trained as an anxiety dog. They will make great gard dogs . They are very sweet and loving. If interested please text me at 587-338-4878.
Very Beautiful pair Congo African Grey parrots for sale. They are 18 months old and will come with huge cage, parrots play stand, food and water dishes, food, and toys. I just want them to go to a good home experienced with large birds. They are very tame, easy to handle .They are Extremely friendly, fully feathered, Come with CITIES certificate and DNA certificate, closed rung, fully weaned and ready to leave for their forever homes.Have no bad habits, no plucking, biting, or anything.Come with all accessories and cage including CITIES certificate and DNA certificate.They also love sunflower seeds and they can be used when interacting with them.
Hello!, Im looking for a small breed of dog if anyone is giving a dog breed from my list away.
Looking for a small dog breed from my list:
-Shih Tzu
Message me if your giving one away or willing to sell me one for 100$, ive been looking for a very long time and i really want a dog and i think they would make a great addition to the family, thank you to anyone who helps me out.
(Message to the scammers: I aint stupid enough to send you money over the internet to a person i dont know or havent met in real time and even then, its a in person trade Only in a Public Place to Prevent Theft.)
We have 8 purebred Staffy puppies looking to rehome. There is 5 boys and 3 girls. They are 8 weeks old and just adorable. Any questions please send me a msg or give me a call.
Healthy African Grey parrots proven male and female , good for breeding, talks and makes, mimics, whistles. Semi-tame, therefore, Breeder, proven paired. Contact for more information , pictures and videos if interested .
Very Beautiful pair Congo African Grey parrots for sale. They are 18 months old and will come with huge cage, parrots play stand, food and water dishes, food, and toys. I just want them to go to a good home experienced with large birds. They are very tame, easy to handle .They are Extremely friendly, fully feathered, Come with CITIES certificate and DNA certificate, closed rung, fully weaned and ready to leave for their forever homes.Have no bad habits, no plucking, biting, or anything.Come with all accessories and cage including CITIES certificate and DNA certificate.They also love sunflower seeds and they can be used when interacting with them.
Meet my lovely Congo African Grey Parrots looking for a loving and caring family .. They are 2 years old , well trained with kids and other animals , raised in a family environment , with full flight wings- banded. DNA tested Male and Female , trained and speak few words. Contact for more information if interested .
Playful and Curious: Baby African Greys are full of playful energy and boundless curiosity. With their fluffy feathers and wide-eyed wonder, they explore their surroundings with unbridled enthusiasm, making every day an adventure. Baby African Greys have a naturally affectionate side. They will come along with all accessories and cage .
Gorgeous Cane Corso puppies coming available December 8th. Both parents are OFA health tested, including: hips elbows, heart, and thyroid. Genetic Embark testing also completed. Stud and dam each have lovely temperaments. Each puppy will arrive at their forever homes with vet certificates, first needles, and dewormed. Puppies have natural ears and tails. For more information or to request a puppy application, please message here or email at 3hardings@gmail.com
12 weeks male
10yr old female calico last seen on Wakefield Crescent near Rathburn Rd in Mississauga-she is usually shy ans scared-please call Bree 416-700-2592
I have a lovely litter of yorkie pups available to good homes. They were born July 29 th there are 3 females and 2 males. Pups are ready to go they had their vet check and 1 st shots and dewormed x 3. They will come with a puppy pack as well. If serious about my pups please text me at 780-517-9824 prices start at 500 to 700
This loveable boy needs a forever home. He is two years old and has such a great personality. He loves to play and he loves to eat. He gets along with other cats and dogs as well.
We got 8 beautiful puppies. They're ready this coming 9th of October. Dad is a purebred Bernese Mountain dog and Mom is a German Shepherd/Border Collie. 400 Paw Points. For inquiries, you can pm me here or text me on my cp# 3066815517. Thanks and have a great day!
I have different ages and colors of budgies for sale. I also have mated couples
Mother and son are looking for a new owner.
Male puppy aka Buddy was born April 15 2024 He's super affectionate very friendly outgoing curious adventurous very obedient quick to learn and eager to learn new tricks he will come with a little bit of accessories including leash collar and some of his toys he's never been to the vet so he doesn't have shots or deworming done. PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE asking 500 to cover the cost of mom's vet bill.
Mother aka Tara is 2 and a half years old and has been to the vet she has had all shots up to date but isn't fixed and will definitely need done she isn't for breeding so please don't due to her first she had complications. She is very loving and well trained a good support dog. Asking for 300
Reason for rehome is small living space and son has allergies.
2 love birds need to be rehomed can’t take care of them anymore I don’t have enough time they are friendly the white and yellow one is 3 and the green and red one is 1. Comes with the cage and everything in it
mating pair birds with cage
male concor bird with cage
mating pair with cage
Pock gotti cross ... wehave 3 females and 7 boys one of the girls is brindle the rest are blacl woth white markings email for
details jaceprude1234@gmail.com or text 403 542 3344
This is 2 years Old Disco and Jazz...We have to Rehome them because of an untreatable allergy...This is sad for us..We really Love them...They are really Fun to have!...We grew their wings back and they must continue to fly or they will be depressed...They are not to be seperated...They both Talk...Disco loves to Dance and Jazz loves to sing....if You or you know someone that would love to Adopt these 2 lovers...They come with everything...Large cage,Travel cage, Food, treats and Toys...Asking 800$
Energetic and playful puppies that will make great companions.
2 light colours. 2 multicoloured, and 3 full black coat dogs looking for a new loving home. Born on August 29th.Please contact need home asap i may not be able to take care of them for long. notify me if any questions or more info.
Energetic and playful puppies that will make great companions.
1 light colours. 1 multicoloured, and 2 full black coat dogs looking for a new loving home. Born on August 29th Please contact need home asap i may not be able to take care of them for long. notify me if any questions or more info.
Please contact so we could negotiate a price
Adorable Double Doodle puppies are ready to find their loving families! These playful and intelligent pups are the perfect blend of GoldenDoodle and Labradoodle.
Key Features:
• Hypoallergenic: Great for families with allergies.
• Loving and affectionate: They crave attention and cuddles.
• High energy: Need regular exercise and playtime.
• Well-socialised: Raised in a loving environment.
• Size: Mid size (approximately 60 lbs)
• Available color: Black
Ready to join your family now
Contact: Rachelle Cell: 613-883-1768
Please note: Puppies come with age-appropriate vaccinations and dewormiong.
Cover photo is the mother. She, however, is NOT FOR SALE. She is 5 years old and she has a great temper. Extremely friendly and happy cat with great genes.
From the second group photo: Her babies are all boy cats, the one in the back in the pictures is the youngest from a different litter (she fostered that one as its mama isn’t with us anymore unfortunately).
The one in the middle is a tuxedo cat with white whiskers. So far, has an awesome temperament. Loves to play, very quiet and sweet.
The youngest one in the back of the triplet pile has some white spots on his chest and belly. He’s the most playful and also the most jumpy.
The one in the front is very calm, very sleepy actually, and gets picked up almost like a ragdoll. He does not make a sound and doesn’t really fuss over anything so long as he gets to sleep and eat.
Hey there! MY name is Miranda and my American staffordshire had 10 puppies her first heat I have had a wild experience raising the puppies on my own and I'm in need to find these last two each a good home.Black and white one is a female she is border collie which is the dad mixed with my female and the brown one is a male that is boxador or bull terrior mixed with my female. They have such sweet character to their personality and have lots of energy 🐶PLZ CALL 506-406-8040
We have 12 adorable American Bully puppies from our latest litter, born on September 19, 2024! These sweet, strong pups are ready to become part of your family.
Available: 5 males and 5 females
Price: $2,500 each
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Health: Vet checked, healthy, and received first shots and deworming
Parent details and updates available on our Instagram: @lilmiss.storm
Message us for more details or to reserve your new best friend! 🐶
Small standard full breed female American bully. She is 1 year old, has great energy, good temperament, great with kids, house broken, up to date on all shots, paperwork available. We are downsizing and would like to find a family she can rehome with immediately. Only qualified families will be considered. Payment options available.
We are registered breeders, please contact for more details. Visit our instagram @bullyclubhouse_
DELIVERY to Cranbrook Sunday Sept.22nd
Are you looking for an amazing all-round dog? This Golden doodle puppy is super affectionate and delightful to be with! Her littler has received lots of love and attention. She is small enough for calm gentle snuggles on your lap and yet will be big enough to do all your favourite fun things like jogging, biking, swimming, or boating. Abby been vet checked, de-wormed, and has her first vaccinations. She is crate trained and has begun leash training, come and sit. Abby has gone swimming, exploring, climbed stairs, car drives.. She been exposed to cats, chickens, machinery.. Mom is a Golden Retriever (60lb and 21.5“ tall) and dad is medium Merle Poodle (40lbs and approx.19” tall). A gift bag goes home with each pup to make the transition easier. Ready to go now.
Family raised on our acreage in Celista, BC.
DELIVERY to Cranbrook Sunday Sept.22nd
Great Dane Cross mixed Shepard Rotti cross Blue Nose Terrier
Brindle, golden and black with brindle
Cuddly adorable sensitive mid size Family companion
Paper training started
Meet the parents
Ready to go!
Outstanding male and female Havanese puppies for adoption. They are registered, vet checked and health guaranteed. The puppies is also potty trained. They have an outstanding a wonderful personality.
Male and Female Italian Greyhound puppies. They are socialized and have good temperament with everybody. All they need is a home where they would be loved and cared for and provided with all their needs. so if you are interested in them contact me back as soon as possible for more info and adoption process
We have Male and Female Beautiful Imperial Shih Tzu puppies available for loving homes. They are 11 weeks and will come with all their health papers. They have had their dewclaws removed, dewormed, come with first puppy shots, raised in my home with my family. Sweet and very smart. Contact us with your phone number for faster communication.
Male, litter trained. Very playful and friendly. Good with other cats. Need to find home asap. Contact 236 622 7496
Absolutely beautiful litter of Australian shepherd puppies from boundary creek ranch available. Puppies are born and raised with my children , but purchase price includes delivery to certain areas in Ontario, They come with first shots, a puppy starter pack, and will have been dewormed twice. Microchipped , Two years health guarantee & Registered Certificate
Titus male tri colored
Hugo male brown point blue Merle, looks like will have 2 brown eyes
Max male brown point blue Merle. Looks like he will have two blue eyes
We can do FaceTime calls to meet the litter and parents ❤️❤️❤️
Lots of photos of mom and dad, as well as more individual photos avail just message. All the black ones will look like dad (he’s in the last photo) all the merals are brown point like mom, Mom is 40 lbs and dad is 50lbs, Feel free to us out on Facebook
Hi there I’m in need of a strong small dog like a pit to train as my aid dog. He will be training to help me stand get out of bed and to go for walks and to the store and car rides. apparently we don’t have a service like this in Edmonton. Mine passed away and I need 6-8 week old puppy for bonding and to start training young. Looking for a male a smaller one 60-80 lbs when grown I’m a short lady so he doesn’t need to be big just strong also cart train him and carry bag train him. if you know of anyone that has for free or under 200 please please let me know I would like to have my freedom back with a great protector helper and my buddy added pic of my old boy and other dogs I’ve helped train along the way. Desperately seeking a puppy thank you in advance for any help you can provide ❤️ pitties
Email Mr. Elliot 👇👇👇 for more information about viewing
Full bread Caucasian shepherd pups ready to leave now for there forever homes.
Playful beautiful pups, Mum and dad can both be seen, Both fit healthy and live at our home with us around our family and our children every day.
Please Email:.... elliotd443@gmail.com .. for faster response and more information about viewing.
Shipping Available.
Thank you for your interest.
PetMate Dog Kennel, Colour Bleached Linen, Plastic, Airy, Portable, Secure, Lockable, 70-90 lb., 40"L x 27"W x 30"H (101L x 69W x 76H cm). Used Twice. Already Assembled, Airline Secured.
I have a few great Dane puppies 7are available !
Six females and one male but one is gone as of today
Email Mr. Elliot 👇👇👇 for more information about viewing
This Maine Coon kitten are being raised with love and care in a warm and nurturing environment, ensuring they are well-socialized and ready to bond with their new family members.
Please Email:.... elliotd443@gmail.com .. for faster response and more information about viewing.
Shipping Available.
Thank you for your interest.
5 Crazy kittens 😸 siemese crossed paradyctal/bengel born August 6th taking deposits so i cat get them shots i already had them vet checked I have a vet across from me they are very healthy they are starting to eat and learn pretty much free range I live in a small apartment so its best i start looking i have 2 white ones 2 tabby and 1 back all boys one white is female come have a look i suck at photography see your future fur baby I'm seeing how this site works its my first post since Craigslist flagged me and I'm unsure where to find a good place to rehome. Not all kitty's are in photo FYI.
All Black German Shepherd female for sale
only $300
over 3 and half years old. Text for picture
call 647-287-3376 working line
Will board same family of cats exclusively in my home where they will get all the love and attention they deserve !
We have a happy healthy litter of 4 Chihuahuas.
Three males and one e-mail. (brown with white paws).
They are eating well and starting to run around. They will be ready for rehoming a puppy package.