Pets, Fish for rehoming with in Canada, Ontario, Chatham-Kent.
We are a small aquatic fish store located in WHEATLEY !!
Days of Operation and Business Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12 to 6pm
Thursday 12 to 6pm
Friday 12 to 8pm
Saturday 12 to 6pm
Sunday ClosedWe are by Appointment only with days and hours listed above.
We accept cash and E-transfers for order payment. If just doing a order pick up E-transfers in advance or cash on pick up either is ok. If in store shopping cash payment is preferred.RASBORA / BARBS / DANIO
Denison Barb aka Roseline Shark 3" (29 available) $18.00
Asian Rummynose Rasbora (9 available) $6.00
Dwarf Golden Barbs (12 available) $6.50
Rosy Barbs (22 available) $4.50
Longfin Leopard Danios (9 available) $4.00
Tiger Barb (12 available) $4.50
Panther Danio (11 available) $4.50
Red GloFish Danio (2 available) $7.00
Green GloFish Danio (4 available) $7.00
Pink GloFish Danio (7 available) $7.00
Black Harlequin Rasbora (4 available) $5.00ANGEL / DISCUS / RAM / APISTOGRAMMA
Bandit Cichlid (3 available) $12.00
Red Hump Eartheater (Geophagus Steindacheri) (9 available) $18
Black Rams (3 available) $30.00
Gold Rams (6 available) $10.00
German Blue Rams (24 available) $10.00
Gold Marbled Angelfish Medium (2 available) $15.00
Koi Angel Medium (3 available) $15.00
Apistogramma McMasteri Gold (20 available) $15.00
Electric Blue Acara (2 available) $8.00CORYDORAS
Duplicareus Corydoras (14 available) $10.00
Sterbai Corydoras (13 available) $8.00
Gold Laser Corydoras (16 available) $12.00
Trilineatus Corydoras (9 available) $7.00
Flag Tail Panda Corydoras (5 available) $15.00
Metae Corydoras (2 available) $7.00GOURAMI
Dwarf Gourami (1 available) $10.00
Powder Blue Gourami (6 available) $12.00KILLIFISH
Blue Lyretail Killifish Pair (1 available) $20.00TETRA
Black Emperor Tetra (20 available) $5.00
Rummynose Tetra (16 available) $6.00
Green Neon Tetra (50 available) $4.00
Cardinal Tetra (144 available) $4.50
Neon Tetra (10 available) $4.00PLECO /CATFISH
Whiptail Cats (3 available) $15.00
Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish (4 available) $20.00
Otocinclus (18 available) $5.25
L090 Royal Pleco (1 available) $60.00
L204 Flash Pleco (1 available) $60.00
L200 Green Phantom Plecos (1 available) $60.00
L471 Mini Snowball Plecos (23 available) $35.00
L005 Angelicus Pleco (3 available) $30.00
Clown Pleco (1 available) $14.00
Albino Bristlenose Pleco Adult Male (1 available) $12.00
Blue Eyed Longfin Bristlenose Pleco (1 available) $20.00
Super Red Bristlenose (2 available) $18.00LOACH
Clown Loach (5 available) $15.00
Tiger Hillstream Loach (5 available) $14.00LIVE-BEARERS
Tri Color Wag Platy (6 available) $3.50
Gold Wag Platy (8 available) $3.50
Bumblebee Platy (12 available) $3.50OTHER FISH
White Cloud (15 available) $3.50SNAILS / SHRIMP
Yellow Shrimp (12 available) $4.50
Blue Diamond Shrimp (3 available) $5.00
Cherry Shrimp (106 available) $2.50
Blue Ramshorn Snail (10 available) $1.50
Mystery Snail Ivory (4 available) $4.00
Assassin Snail (12 available) $3.50SWORD PLANTS
Amazon Sword Potted Large (2 available) $12.00
Amazon Sword Potted Small (3 available) $7.00
Hadi Red Pearl Sword (1 available) $10CRYPTOCORYNE PLANTS
Cryptocoryne Undulata Potted (2 available) $10.00
Cryptocoryne Spiralis Potted (1 available) $12.00STEM PLANTS
Rotala Rotundifolia Potted (3 available) $10.00
Rotala Green Potted (2 available) $10.00
Hygrophila Red Potted (4 available) $10.00
Hygrophila Pinnatifida Potted (2 available) $12.00
Hygrophila Polysperma Potted (1 available) $10.00
Hygrophila Rosanverig Potted (1 available) $10.00
Golden Creeping Jenny Potted (1 available) $10.00
Stuarogyne Repens Potted (4 available) $12.00LILY PLANTS /CRINUM CALAMISTRATUM
Dwarf Lily Sprouted Bulbs (3 available) $10.00
Special XL Crinum Calamistratum (rare at this extra large size)(1 available) $50MOSS
Riccia Fluitans Portion (2 available) $7.00
Subwassertang Portion (2 available) $6.00BUCEPHALANDRA PLANTS
Bucephalandra Velvet Crocodile Potted (1 available) $15
Bucephalandra Godzilla Green and Anubias Golden on Cholla Wood (1 available) $25ANUBIAS PLANTS
Anubias Jalapeño on Small Black Wood (1 available) $25.00
Anubias Golden Potted (1 available) $12.00
Anubias Minima Potted (2 available) $12.00
Anubias Nana Potted (3 available) $10.00JAVA FERN / AFRICAN WATER FERN PLANTS
Philippine Java Fern Potted (6 available) $10.00
Black Forest Java Fern Potted (1 available) $12.00
Java Fern on Rock (1 available) $25.00
Java Fern & Subwassertang on Small Black Wood (1 available) $25.00VALLISNERIA/SAGITTARIA PLANTS
Jungle Vallisneria Potted (6 available) $8PLECO CAVES
Single Cave Small $7.50
Single Cave Large $10.00
Condo 2 Units Small $15.00
Condo 2 Units Medium $18.00
Condo 2 Units Large $21.00
Condo 3 Units Small $18.00
Condo 3 Units Large $25.00WOOD
Saba Wood (4 available) $12
Black Wood (3 available) $10
Bonsai Tree (4 available) $45
Eucalyptus Root Wood Large (1 available) $50
Eucalyptus Root Wood Medium on Slate (1 available) $35
Malaysian Wood Large (1 available) $25
Manazita Wood on Slate Large (1 available) $45
Spider Wood on Slate Large (2 available) $50
Spider Wood on Slate Medium (3 available) $35
Spider Wood Small (1 available) $15
Cholla Wood 6" Pieces (11 available) $5
Cholla Wood 24" Pieces (1 available) $20PLANT FERTILIZER
Root Tabs 12pk $6BOTANICALS
AquaLife Almond Leaves Medium 10pk $12
Aqualife Gauva Leaves 10 pk $5
Aqualife Cinnamon Leaves 10pk $8
Sera Indian Almond Leaves 10pk $12
Alder Cones 10pk $2.50
Began Pods 4pk $5
Banana Stems 5pk $5
Cocoa Crowns 2pk $2.50
The 2HR Aquarist APT Pure Water Conditioner 200ml $20
(Most concentrated conditioner available at .5ml per 10 gallons)
5ml Fertilizer, Medication etc Dosing Syringe (2 available) $3ALGAE TREATMENT
The 2HR Aquarist APT Fix Algae Treatment 300ml $25
(Treats BBA, BGA, STAGHORN, HAIR, FUZZ and all filamentous algae)SERA FISH FOODS
Sera Vipan Nature Tropical Flake 22g $5
Sera San Nature Color Flake 22g $6
Sera San Nature Color Flake 60g $12
Sera Flora Nature Veggie 22g $6
Sera Insect Nature Insect Crumble 36g $7.50
Sera O-Nips Tabs Treat Food That Sticks To Glass 24 Tabs 16g $5
Sera Spirulina Tabs That Sticks To Glass 24 Tabs 15g $6
Sera Catfish Chips Nature 38g $7
Sera Catfish Chips Nature 90g $14
Sera Viformo Nature Bottom Feeder Tablets 33g $6
Sera Viformo Nature Bottom Feeder Tablets 64g $10
Sera Vipachips Nature Staple Bottom Feeder Wafers 37g $8
Sera Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms 12g $7.00
Sera Freeze Dried Daphnia Nature 10g $7.00
Sera Freeze Dried Artemia Shrimp (Brine Shrimp) 7g $7.00
Sera Freeze Dried Bloodworms Nature 9g $10.00OTHER FISH FOODS
Wardley Advanced Tropical Flake $5
AAA Premium Brine Shrimp Flake $5
AAA Premium Earthworm Flake $5
NEW Life Spectrum Fry Starter $5GRAVEL & SAND SUBSTRATE
White and Brown Silica Sand 10lbs (1 available) $25
Caribsea Super Naturals Gemstone Creek 20lbs (2 available) $40
Black and White Silica Sand 5lbs (1 available) $10
Seachem Flourite 7lbs (1 available) $15USED EQUIPMENT, AQUARIUMS ETC(All equipment, tanks in good working order/condition)
Seapora 5.5 Gallon Aquarium $15
Seapora 2.5 Gallon Aquarium (2 available)$10
1 Gallon Aquarium $5
Critter Keepers (9 available) $1
TopFin Air 8000 4 outlet Air Pump $12
Marina 75 Air Pump $5
10 Gallon Weighted Base Sponge Filter (6 available) $2.50
15 Gallon Sponge Filter Suctions to Glass (2 available) $2.50
20 Gallon Sponge Filter Suctions to Glass (1 available) $2.50
HandBook Of Fish Dieases $5
Biotope Aquarium Book $5
Beautiful Manacapuru Angelfish Male,
XL in size he’s even more majestic in person! You don’t see them to often.
Check out our other listings!
White Marble Angelfish: $4/each (SOLD OUT - raising more)
-Serpae Tetras: $3/each
-Galaxy Koi Betas: $10/each
- Adonis Plecos L155 $50/each
- XL Koi Angelfish males(x3) $60
& more to come
2 small clay pot caves with java moss .
$10 for both ..
3 sets available
70 gallon fish tank. 18 fish of various types. Includes everything (filter, heater, chemicals, food, bubbler, extra sand, cleaners, etc).
TopFin filter cartridge brand new never open package.
Two filters in the package.
No longer have this filter so no need for the cartridges.
8 petricola synodontis catfish babies available. Breed and raised by me. Growing for 6 months and ready to go.
Have a large amount of aquarium stones. Almost fills a 10 gallon bucket.
I have a large colony of pulsing xenia. $15 per frag or if you take 5 or more they are 10 each. I will also trade for other corals.
Tons of inverts , fish and coral available. Delivery right to your front door.
Salt and much more available
Clean up packs available
I have some baby Polar Blue Cichlids available for rehome. I have all different sizes.. Pickup in Ridgetown Ontario
Tons of inverts , fish and coral available. Delivery right to your front door.
Salt and much more available
Clean up packs available
Holds water
Comes with everything from decor to lights and filter n bubblers. Pick up only
Selling large flat tank very heavy will take multiple people to move tank is 7.2ftLx28inWx14inH and has a hole drilled from when it was a fish tank asking 100$ obo or will consider trades on reptiles or other non glass enclosures tank can come with 75 gallon sump for 50$ more tank was very expensive but is difficult to move so price has been lowered significantly
I have around 10 of the guys $3 each both male and females
L155 Adonis Plecos (X3),
Beautiful plecos with lyretails, Ranging in size from 4-5 inches!
We only have 3 of them, we are unsure of the sex of them.
$50 each
Check out our other listings!
White Marble Angelfish: $4/each (SOLD OUT - raising more)
-Serpae Tetras: $3/each
-Galaxy Koi Betas: $10/each
- Adonis Plecos L155 $50/each
& more to come
Tetra whisper 60 aquarium fish tank dual line air pump.
Works great.
Like 50-60 new.
$30 takes it
A couple African cichlids for sale. Only reason for selling is making room for new fish. I have the following up for sale
2- Male Ob Peacocks 20$ each
1- Male venustus 15$
5- Male electric blue haps 20$ each
2- Male red empress 20$ each
1- female albino peacock FREE
1- Male vc 10 FREE (was beat up but fully healthy now)
3- female buccochromis heterotania 25$each
Works great
Blue wilds mix neocaradina shrimp.
6 for $20.
Hundreds of Corals available
Tons of fish and inverts .