Pets, Livestock with in Canada, British Columbia, Fraser Valley, Chilliwack.
Olde English Babydoll lambs. Lambs will be double registered with the OEBSSR and BSSBA registries.
Spotted ram - $1,000
Spotted ewe - $1,200
Black ram - $800
Black ewe - $1,000
White ram - $600
White ewe - $800 - none at this time
White wether (unregistered) - $450Babydolls are excellent sheep for pets or 4H. They are also used in orchards to keep the grasses low.
Premium 1st cut Brome and Orchard mix grass for sale .
2nd cut grass also for sale .Small square bales put into bundles . 18 bale bundles .
Call or text four-0-three 382 8815
Greenhouse, Sunroof, Pergola, Gazebo or Carport - whatever you are building, EcoFort Innovations will supply polycarbonate material for your project.
We are a local Alberta company with a warehouse conveniently located in Calgary.
We have twin wall, triple wall, corrugated and solid polycarbonate panels in different sizes and thickness.
Clear, Opal or Smoky (tinted).
Polycarbonate has many advantages:
- high light transparency 97%
- high R-value
- high snow load and wind resistance
- high resistance to hail
Shipping and pick up is available.
We sell to contractors and public.
We accept Debit, Credit, E-transfer.
Prices start at:
$80 for 4X8 twin wall 6mm panel.
$100 for 4X8 twin wall 8mm panel.
$120 for 4X8 triple wall 10mm panel.
Please visit our website WWW.ECOFORT.CA to find our current price list.
You may call us directly at (403)604-4043 to receive a quote or if you have any questions.
Have a great day!!!
C Joy Farm (Chilliwack) would like to introduce our baby myotonic (fainting) and mini silky goat Milo. Milo will be registered in both of these goat registries. My herd is tested. She is a tri coloured, blue eyed girl and absolutely adorable. She will potentially have the friendly kind disposition of her Mother and the silky breed. Her brother (sold) is in many photos with her.
Goat/sheet trim chute. This chute can be operated by one person thru a pulley system. Deck size is 2 x 4 ft. It is on wheels so it portable. Selling for $1000
Lots of quail available
Fully grown birds
$10 each if you buy less than 10 birds
$6 each for 10birds+
$4 each for males, $5 each for females if you buy 50 birds +
Day old-1week old (all depends what we have available) $2 each minimum order of 20
Hair sheep from Health tested flock in Yarrow (Chilliwack) BC
Johnes and OPP clear
Hoof rot and abscess (CL) free flock history.
Bred yearling ewes $400
Ewe/lamb sets $600Available by reservation at weaning weaning:
2024 lambs:
Ewe lambs - $300
Ram lambs -$300
Wethers -$250Located in Yarrow
FB page:
Yearling Black Shoulder Peacocks & Peahens. Much prettier than the common India Blues. Prices start @ $125. ea
Straight run Australorp Chicks from show stock, (black, blue & splash). Australorps hold the world record for # of eggs laid in a year & due to their large size, they are an excellent dual-purpose bird & a little safer from airborne predators. These beautiful birds also eat less than many of the more high-strung breeds due to their gentle, calm nature. They lay a light tan egg for those into egg colours. Day olds only available, $20. ea.
3rd pic is a Black Shoulder Peacock, 4th is an India Blue, 5th is 2 peahens, the gray is an India Blue & the whitish is a Blk. Shoulder. The 6th pic is 4 mo. old pullets (not for sale), the 7th is some young roos with the soup can to show the size, 8th is our blk roo with his hens & the 9th our splash roo with his hens.
3 registered purebred Nubian kids for sale. $325 each.
Buckling "Curds n Cream Lincoln" (pic 1+2) is moonspotted like his sire. **SOLD**
Buckling "Curds n Cream Romeo" (pic 3+4) also moonspotted like sire.
Doeling "Curds n Cream Jasmine (pic 5+6) is tri coloured like dam.
All are registered and 100% purebred, dehorned and dewormed. Healthy and sturdy kids, super sweet temperaments. Born February 19, 2024, ready to go end of April.Both dam and sire are also registered. Dam comes from popular milk lines such as Garden Gate and Stockbridge. Dam is "West Maid Creek ML Blossom" (pic 7) and sire is "Switchback Abraham" (pic 8).
Closed herd.
Moving across country so I unfortunately need to downsize my herd.
Contact me at 604-997-6993, serious inquiries only please.
Rehoming our two pot bellied pigs. They are so friendly, smart and very good with other farm animal.
Meet Bambi. Beautiful & friendly Nigerian dwarf goat doe. She is approximately 3 years old and would make a wonderful addition to your farm family! She’s very social and loves to get all the attention. She does okay on leash although she prefers to walk you rather than you walk her haha. She’s super spunky and is a real sweetheart. She would likely be a great mom but we have not bred her previously. Healthy, vet checked & dewormed a few months ago.
They are 2.5 years old, Elvis and Oliver are very smart, they know their name, they are potty trained, very good with other farm animals, they know kisses, sit down, they are our pets and want them to go in a very good home.
I love Tinker Bell very much, but I’m currently selling to downsize my goat herd.
She successfully had a kid (male) this last June (2023) and then gave birth to twins ( male and female) on December 24th (2023).
She is super healthy, and a loving mother.
I’ve kept this rooster because he is such a beautiful boy with such a lovely character. He is sweet and curious. Always running to see if we have treats for him. He is also the smartest of all the roosters I’ve raised this year. Unfortunately I do not have enough hens for him and his father to share and he is getting bullied.
I’d love to see him go to a flock of hens as he is a special rooster.
I’ve had his dad 5 years and have not lost a single hen to hawk or eagle under his protection.
His mom is a White Sussex, our sweetest hen.
I can send more photos on request.
Proven breeder bill will be 2 years old aug 25/2022
Hereford mother(dam), black angus father (sire)
Raised both parents and born in Chilliwack on a hobby farm
It’s throwing 87 lbs calf at 3 days old from a Hereford mother
Loads nice is tame and can feed by hand
Will update photo soon
Call or text ron
6 zero 4 double 9 then1 0523
I have some beautiful hatching eggs available
Pick up Chilliwack
Message me for details
Pick up chilliwack
By appointment only
This buck rabbit is a year old and weighs 10 lbs.
Commercial Boer Goats
13 does
Some young some older but all should be pregnant.
Herd comes with guardian Llama
Located south of Chilliwack
Feb 14 hatch
Leghorn, Faverolle, Ameraucana and BCM rooster over Leghorn, Faverolle, Ameraucana, BCM Orpington, Wyandotte, Australorp, Barnevelder and EE/OE hens.
Chicks $10ea or $100 for multiples of 12.
Hatching eggs $25/doz
Pickup or local delivery for a fee.
7 month old doe. Born July 20.2023
Nigerian dwarf she has blue eyes and wattles.
No horns.
Super friendly with children and used to other goats.
Pickup Chilliwack
My beloved flock of chickens has great fertility rate. They are a mixed barn yard breed. Heavy emphasis on coloured eggs, of blue and green. / olive layers
I have an Araucana rooster which is known for their blue egg color.
Pick up in Chilliwack - by appointment only
No refunds or exchanges
Fertility rate may vary on your hatching skills and abilityMultiple dozen available
Calico bantam cochin hatching eggs
$80 dozen (or 14 eggs if shipped)
Great fertility at 100%
Bantam cochin is the breed, calico is the colour. Calico is an umbrella term meaning mottled or multicolour. We have a beautiful group of birds, with most of our birds mottled, some mottled “splits”, and some are copycats to the Mille fleur pattern. We even have one frizzle hen, so you have a chance of hatching out a frizzle or two. Each bird is unique, which makes this fun and each hatchling a surprise.
Located in Agassiz BC.
Can ship Canada wide at buyers expense with Canada Post Xpress post or expedited. Quote can be provided, just let us know your postal code. Eggs will be packaged safely in a foam shipper , 14 eggs included if possible . Shipping Mondays only (or Tuesday if you’re within BC ).
Local farm pickup or ship within Canada.
Please keep in mind seasonal temperatures when considering shipping. There is no guarantee on shipped eggs once they leave our farm, although we will be sure to handle and package with care. You are welcome to check out our reviews on FB page linked.
Silkie chicks and hens and 2 silkie x barn yard mini mix
Chicks are about 6 months old
Hens are about 2-3 years old
Silkie x barn yard are about 6-7 months old, they should start to lay in the springFor the adult silkies I would like $30
For the chicks i would like $15 but for the orange Bearded ones I would like $20
The silkie x barn yard mini i would like $25.
If you are wanting one of the orange bearded ones and are also getting some more I’ll give them to you for $15.
All of these chickens are very nice and some what tame ( the hens are the most tame )
3 piglets for sale. 10 weeks old. Berkshire X Hereford X Pietrain. $120 each
We are an organic farm outside of Lytton and we have 7 turkey hens for sale. The turkeys have only been fed organic grain and they wander all year round eating the bugs they find as well as the leaves of weeds and long grass. They are quiet and gentle.
All of our animals are locked up around dusk because of the wildlife that desires them for eating.
They will be ready to breed for you in the spring and it is best if they have a building for night. No heat or insulation is required as they are very hardy and prefer to have fresh air.
One of the males that fathered some of the chicks is a Ridley Bronze as is the Mom of the chicks and the other tom is a Spanish Black. A photo of both of the toms has been included. We feel the Spanish Black is the father of the beige hen and the rest are Ridley Bronze.
These are from the second batch the hen hatched out this past August and we only had females.
The price for each hen is $80
2 male Nigerian X goats
$200 1 male buck (intact) 3 years old. 1st phote (brown and white with horns) He's not aggressive and won't buck but likes his spac. Great for those looking for a stud buck. Is a proven breeder.
$150 1 male wether (castrated) 2 years old. 2nd photo (brown goat in the front) Super chill and friendly. Loves scratches on the head and neck. Perfect for those looking for a family friendly goat and for weed control.
Will sell together or separate. These are not meat goats. I will not lower the price or sell to those looking to butcher goats for meat
Two Mini Nubian Does and Two Mini Nubian Wethers for sale. These goats are great grazers and cleared our 3 acre mountain property. Very well natured and used to people, ducks and chickens. Now that the property is cleared not enough growth to sustain them. One doe is poled, the other short horns.
Please contact for more information