Need a gathering, worship or small business space?
Interested in a safe, accessible, and friendly non-profit Community Hub alongside other community-minded individuals and groups? We spaces to rent hourly, monthly and yearly at below market rates. What we have to offer:
- a Sanctuary that seats 325 people with AV system
-an Upper Auditorium that seats 200 with tables and chairs available
-A Lower Auditorium that has a 50 person capacity
-A chapel that has a 50 person capacity
-A formal meeting room with smart TV and whiteboard
-An informal meeting room for more casual get togethers
-An AHS approved kitchen
-Rent that includes power, water
-Free parking
-Opportunities to connect an collaborate with other community minded individuals, small businesses and non-profits in the building.
Owing your own space, church building and many places to rent are just not always withing your price range. If you'd like to learn more please contact us at kirkuccentre@gmail.com or call 780-438-6619 to find out more or schedule an appointment. To find about more about Kirk Centre you can visit www.kirkcentre.ca.

community | activities, groups