Community, Activities, groups with in Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, City of Edmonton.
YMCA Callingwood ( I pay your gym membership ) Just take me..
Hello I'm a guy who likes working out I like living healthy and would like to get to the gym I recently moved to west-side Hamptons area and while I'm here for few months 6 or more or less.. I need help getting there for I don't drive and I don't like taking taxi/uber so I figured I'd make a deal with someone who would like to take me daily after 3pm..till 5 or 6pm.I will pay your membership it has to be YMCA in Callingwood no other place sorry. can leave earlier if it works best I can do most important stuff if need be, I do like to take my time because I have a few things I like to do at the gym ( you do your own workout and I'll do mine I have my own routine and so just not on Sat or Sun because those are my recover days.. I have a disability for 'heat or get too warm " so vehicle with AC is required and reliable ride I need someone to go with me because I have Agoraphobia and feel comfortable having someone close by just incase I start to have a panic attack and need to leave or just to have someone help me chillout and get back to normal I have meds if I lose control.. I can warn before I start feeling off. once get into the habit I should be able to be more comfortable and also after I should get used to the area once again..after workout lunch/dinner will be on me if we eat after but mainly just go home after. let me know if this is something you would be interested in thanks
Jam session is offered to members or the public every Wednesday and Friday morning between 9:00 - 12:00 at the Mill Woods Seniors Centre at:
Mill Woods Seniors Association (MWSA)
2nd Floor, 2610 Hewes Way NW
(Above the Mill Woods Public Library)$3.00 for members and $5.00 for non-member, absolutely free for viewing. So why not drop by and check it out.
All types of music or instruments are welcome.
Most lyrics, music sheets, mics, music stands etc. are provided.
Bring your instrument and/or voice, find out what you're missing...friendship and lots of fun!!!
Jasper Maligne Canyon Icewalk Tour - 9:30 am for 2 people
Selling 2 for $80. Retails for $150.
Sundog Transportation and Tours
2 more spots for volleyball for friday vball 8:30-10:30 king’s court $10
Let’s burn some calories before we party before the weekendhttps://www.meetup.com/yegvballandbadminton/
Looking for Stock or Options traders around the Edmonton area to do some Brain Storming with. The goal is to advance everyones knowledge and skills in the area of Stock and/or Options Trading. This is NOT a stock "TIPS" Club. This club is for the mutual benefit and education of the members. If interested Call Derek @ 780-945-7653 for more info.
Please join us to help raise funds for the 193rd Scouting group in Sherwood Park.
Tickets are $25 to paint, and the auction is open to all.
Contact Leah at 780-619-9908, if interested. This will be a great low key night out. Come and hang with some friends.
Hi, I'm looking for some nice people who would like to chat either online or in person. I'm just looking for friends not more than that I like going for walks, coffee, hanging out @ a park or home and just talking about whatever. I'm easygoing, nonjudgmental. I like going to the various festivals in town or other interesting events in town. I like following current affairs through print or through televised/online mediums. I also like watching various sports. I would be interested in learning about potentially fun activities or groups in town. Please message me if you can type a few sentences. I won't respond to one liners or "Interested, please contact me." I had many of those replies in the past and they were just time wasters. Thank you.
My 10 year old is looking for sell these beautiful key chains or back pack decor. $5 each she. An make any colour and as if about other designs
Lower floor space available for immediate lease. Great opportunity on a clean, well maintained, newly renovated facility. Please contact our Facility Director by email for more information. North Millbourne Community League. 980 Millbourne RD East.
Email : Facility@nmclinfo.com
I dont care if have lv 1000 or other such accounts. But if want to sell shrug ok. But looking to try multple account and group my self for some fun for a month see if enjoy new char and new char quests. Been long time and not interested waiting for people to help with stuff in game so want my own group. I have two accounts. Yes i know free to play accounts there. But so limitied. Also never had a eq player that was ever in my time zone. Can that too if works. But just checking whats out there first before trying to jump back in EQ.
Interested in a safe, accessible, and friendly non-profit Community Hub alongside other community-minded individuals and groups? We spaces to rent hourly, monthly and yearly at below market rates. What we have to offer:
- a Sanctuary that seats 325 people with AV system
-an Upper Auditorium that seats 200 with tables and chairs available
-A Lower Auditorium that has a 50 person capacity
-A chapel that has a 50 person capacity
-A formal meeting room with smart TV and whiteboard
-An informal meeting room for more casual get togethers
-An AHS approved kitchen
-Rent that includes power, water
-Free parking
-Opportunities to connect an collaborate with other community minded individuals, small businesses and non-profits in the building.
Owing your own space, church building and many places to rent are just not always withing your price range. If you'd like to learn more please contact us at kirkuccentre@gmail.com or call 780-438-6619 to find out more or schedule an appointment. To find about more about Kirk Centre you can visit www.kirkcentre.ca.