Community, Lost & found with in Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, City of Edmonton.
Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist.
My call out fee within the city of Edmonton is $60.00 this covers my fuel and vehicle expenses.
Visit My Blog www.theringfinders.com/blog/norm.peters for testimonials and latest recoveries.
I work on a reward basis so what that means you pay me what it’s worth to you, to have me find your lost ring or valuable item.
Additional mileage charges will apply if I have to travel outside of Edmonton city limits. We can discuss this when you call.
Using the latest technology in metal detectors, I am able to conduct searches in most areas, including water up to 2m deep
I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”… Finding your valuables is important to me ..
When you want your lost ring to find you! Call Now.
NORM780 - 497- 2118
Metal Detecting Specialist/ Lost your ring…don’t wait for someone else to find it… Call or Text 780-497-2118
The photo on here is just an idea of what they look like but mine had soft pink lenses and the glasses wete a soft pink. I either dropped them in the ever that day or by Skyview shoping centre . I really want my sunglasses back if anyone finds them I will give a reward for their return. Thank you.
Kensington area on 134th Avenue between 116th Street and 118 street message me tell me what kind of ring the keys are on and how many keys are there and we can set up a meet
Found the bag call me if you want it back please description of contents I found it around lakewood road nnw millwoods
Missing in Rutherford since June19.23 please contact 780-884-8156 if found. And please share ANY posts that might look like her. Any information at all is greatly appreciated, you’ll receive a generous reward if she’s found, no questions asked. We miss her terribly and are so worried. Please help me find her. If this ad is up, I’m still looking!
Walking around the River valley a bit west of the zoo… Rayban sunglasses, men’s, gold with brown polarized lenses. Anyone happen to find them? Afternoon of December 30th.
We found a set of keys on the corner of 122 Ave and 83 st..
If you think they might be yours, please shoot me a message and describe the 3 specific items on the Keychain so I know it belongs to you!
Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist.
My call out fee within the city of Edmonton is $60.00 this covers my fuel and vehicle expenses.
Visit My Blog www.theringfinders.com/blog/norm.peters for testimonials and latest recoveries.
I work on a reward basis so what that means you pay me what it’s worth to you, to have me find your lost ring or valuable item.
Additional mileage charges will apply if I have to travel outside of Edmonton city limits. We can discuss this when you call.
Using the latest technology in metal detectors, I am able to conduct searches in most areas, including water up to 2m deep
I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”… Finding your valuables is important to me ..
When you want your lost ring to find you! Call Now.
NORM780 - 497- 2118
Metal Detecting Specialist/ Lost your ring…don’t wait for someone else to find it… Call or Text 780-497-2118
Found keys on a lanyard, on 111st SW, south of Blackmud Creek Dr.
call 780-886-2548 for return
I found a Motorola phone in a parking lot near the Dunluce area. Tell me what is on the background and come take it
Lost keys found on Jasper Ave Sat evening, Jan 27
Found Head glove middle of road by Capilano ETSbus terminal, 98 Ave & 57 St.
A large 5-button FORD key-fob was found at the Costco Winterburn location in May 2023 (Edmonton). There are no ID markings. Let me know to arrange a key test and pickup.