Pets, Fish for rehoming with in Canada, Ontario, Toronto, City of Toronto.
Care Level Easy
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Red, White
Diet Carnivore
Reef Compatible Yes
Water Conditions 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Max. Size 3"
Welcome to Fins8, the largest discus store in Ontario with top quality.
We have many different discus strains availability at 398 Franklin Rd, Hamilton. They are super healthy and ready to rehome.
Check it out.
Send us a message or visit our page at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fins8
Website: http://fins8.ca/#discus, #fins8
Long tentacle leather coral, easy to keep and fast growing .availble in frags and medium colony
For saltwater aquarium only
Beautiful cabbombas, 50c each or 25/10$.Minimum purchace 5$
We also have Corkscrew vallisnerias and giant vallisneria, singles or pots.
I'm placing this add for a friend of mine who is the breeder.
My name is Peter.
Thank you for t h e interest.
Corkscrew vallisneria, pots/10$,or singles 80c each.minum purchace,5$
Pots usually have more than 12/15
Giant vallisneria available as well,1.50$each,or pots of 8-10 for 10$
Cabombas available as well,50c each stem or 25/10$,stems are between 7-10"
Lots of new African cichlids for sale prices from 5.00 to 25.00 and sizes from inch to 5 inch
Looking to rehome
Fire-tail Rainbow, Male and Female Guppies - Young and Healthy!
$2 each.
Leopard Rainbow Male and Female Guppies - Young and Healthy!
$2 each.
Update January 22, 2024 - Lots of fry growing out nicely and should be ready for end of January to early February 2024.
1.5 to 2" size - 5 fish for $20 (Very limited available at this time)
2 to 2.5" size - 5 fish for $25 (Very limited available at this time)
All other sizes sold out with more growing out nicelyThese are the colour version of the Snow White Soccolofi. They have a light blue/blue body with black fins all around. Both male and females look the same in colour however, the dominant male will flair all his fins and become a brighter blue when wanting to mate with any female.
Meet at the Tim's at 12332 Woodbine Ave and Stouffville Road just off the 404 Highway.
BYOLB (Bring Your Own Large Bucket) so we can transfer the fish and water.
Servicing Newmarket, Aurora, Stouffville, North Richmond Hill, North Markham, and Scarborough!
Subwassertang is one of the best aquarium plants you can get for your shrimp. These free-floating plants create some of the best coverage for shrimp. They are also great at enriching your water column with oxygen. They are slow growing but I have some to sell.
You will get a handful for $5 which is about 4-5x what you would get from Big Al’s or any other aquarium specialty store
Thanks for looking
Cherry Shrimp
$ 1.00 each
Pickup Location:
Shoppers World Mall (brampton)
Steeles & hurontarion
Giant pond weed. Not that tiny pond weed. Great for cleaning the water. Grows in small bunches and multiplies easily.
$5 for 10 pieces
Hello looking to give away my two year old silver arrowana fish for free.
we have a red arrowana fish that needs more space in the tank.
if your looking for a unique fish, these are definitely the fish for you!
Have 2 very large, 1 large, and 3 small koi for rehoming. Hoping to get $1200 but negotiable for sure
Looking to rehome my 5 year old fancy goldfish. He is in perfect health, I am moving and very pregnant and prefer not to take with me.