Pets, Reptiles & amphibians for rehoming with in Canada, Ontario, Toronto, City of Toronto.
0.0.4 Captive bred red-eyed crocodile skinks (Tribolonotus gracilis)
I have 3 babies hatched last year, and 2 holdbacks from 2023 that are ready to go.
Red-eyed crocodile skinks are beautiful and shy, will need a proper bioactive set-up to thrive.
Price is reflective of how much time and effort it takes to breed these animals. Please do your research prior to asking, and be ready to show you have a bioactive enclosure set up. I will only sell to responsible keepers.
Born in 2023. Approximately 20g. Eats a variety of crested gecko diets (Pangea, Zoo med, repashy), occasional insects and supplemental calcium
Can be shy but I can easily see him being a very sweet pet.
Cresties are fantastic beginner reptiles as they are low maintenance compared to other species
This cutie was born and ethically raised by us. It is very important that they go to good homes so please ensure you do research prior to enquiring. That being said we are available to answer any questions you have at any time pre, during, or post adoption.
Please let us know if you need a temporary enclosure! We have lots of temporary bin enclosures and accessories available for purchase.
Feel free to check us out on Instagram @super.cute.cresties and send a DM to say hi!
Offering up my 2.2 adult group of box turtles. Terrapene Carolina Major (Gulf Coast)
Eating a variety or bugs, fish, and fruit dusted with Vionate multivitamins, have been striving in a bioactive setup. They love flipping the cork bark and eating isopods.
They have been a staple in my reptile collection and wont sell to just anyone. Serious inquires only.
I also have a Het Hypo* Yearling available if interested.
Not taking any trades at this time.
Hognose.ca - @mklexotics
Hello I have a wonderful male & female Fly River Turtles that I would like to sell. They are 7" in size and currently lives with other fish.
Truly exceptional pet, fully aquatic. Very friendly and can feed by hand. eats algae wafers and fresh figs.
Delivery available across Canada
Contact me if interested.
ball python, corn snake and boas available
send me a text at 6476275055 for details
Making this Blackhead Leopard het ultramel 50% Het Pied Female Ball Python available for anyone interested in her.
Eating weekly frozen thawed rodents dm for more info
I recently rescued a male crested gecko he’s full grown with no tail. I have a dog and I think he’s too stressed out so I’m looking to find him a good home. He doesn’t come with a tank but I do have one for sale if needed. They are very easy pets he’s on rapashy eats well very healthy
Monty is a Male Wild type Ball Python looking for his new home. Monty is laid back and will gladly chill out with you while you watch the lotr extended edition or whatever it is you fancy. Monty comes with a travel bin. Proof of your set up/enclosure required for purchase. Located in East York, Toronto. Price is $50
First picture is a Blood Sterling and is NFS.
I got males and female Sterling 66% het Blood to choose from.
Females - $1500
Males - $2000
Short term payment plans are welcome with a 25% non-refundable deposit.
Feel free to msg me if you have any questions!
This girl is gorgeous! She will make some nice DG combos down the road. She's feeding on frozen thawed small rats and weighs about 600 grams. Email for more info.
We are located in BC but can ship Canada wide with Reptile Express.
Breeding Group of 5 CherryHead Tortoises
2 Males 3 Females
Ages range from 9 to 17 years old
Will Deliver
They are 3 months old. My cage is too small. I want them to go to a better home. Their females. $90 each
Text 6479639187
Shy sometimes, eats only crickets and sometimes bananas
Born May 2023
Eating frozen thawed hoppers.
Feel free to msg if you have any questions.
Making a few breeding pairs available.
Pair #1 2016's
Male Hypo het Leopard Sterling paired with normal het Leopard Sterling female. $3000
Pair #2 2016's
Male normal DH Leopard Sterling paired with Hypo DH Leopard Sterling female. $3000
Pair #3 2018's
Male normal DH Blood Sterling paired with a normal DH Blood Sterling female. $5000
Pair #4 2016's
Male Hypo DH VPI Sterling paired with a Motley Het Sterling 50% Het VPI female. $2800
Pair #4 2016's
Male Jungle DH VPI Sterling paired with a Motley Het Sterling 50% Het VPI female. $2800
Breeder Males Available:
2018 DH Blood Sterling - $1500
2016 Jungle DH VPI Sterling - $1500
2016 Motley Het Sterling 50% Het VPI - $1000
2016 Hypo DH Leopard Sterling - $1500
Short term payment plans are welcome with a 25% non-refundable deposit.
Looking for a good home for our beardie as we are planning to move overseas. Best in class terrarium and living set up for a full adult beardie, no need to upgrade! Check our pics and vids!
- Yellow/orange spotted beardie (2 years old; 22 ounces weight; 20 inch /50 cm long) in perfect health
- Glass enclosed terrarium: 48 inch (l) x 18 inch (w) x 23.5 inch (h)
- Two lamps (one 160W mercury vapor lamp and one UV plant grower lamp)
- Two flat heat pads
- Two large sand mats covering entire terrarium floor
- Natural driftwood & stone environment & synthetic hanging vines
- Full high-res background print of Grand Canyon
- Feed & Water Bowls
- Calcium Powder
- Beadie leash and dragon wing costume
- Superworm Farm (can be optionally included. easy maintenance!)
Please make sure you write "BEARDIE" in your messages so I know it's not spam. Will respond to all messages within 24 hours.
Unfortunately i am moving to a new apartment that does not allow pets, very sad to have to let him go but that is my only option. Looking to find a new home for my ball python! He is a very friendly 5 year old , about 4 ft. Long . Loves being handled and very low maintenance. If interested please email judy.cai@hotmail.com
I have a male ball python for sale he’s about 2 years old and everything included
I have a male ball python for sale everything included 200 need sold ASAP
I unfortunately have to give up my leopard gecko.. i am moving into a much smaller space where pets, especially reptiles are not allowed.
Selling a 1 year old female mack snow leopard gecko, with her tank, equipment and all her enrichment for a bundle price of $500.
Everything cost me around $1500-$2k to give her the best life and home possible.
Heres everything that comes included:
- Leopard gecko
- 36”x18”x18” glass terrarium
- Arcadia LED Jungle Light Bar (for plants)
- Arcadia UVB shade dweller
- Arcadia Deep Heat Projector and Dome
- Herpstat 1 Dimming Thermometer
- 4 Hides
- Calcium dish
- Water dish
- Plants, leaves, wood corck, branches
- Reptisoil substrate
Can sell Leopard gecko separately for $70 but I would prefer if someone took her and her home all together
Serious inquires only. Need her to go to a dedicated and loving household.
Pick up only - Yonge & Eglinton
I have a male and female Argentine Tegu, for sale. there are roughly a year old. there are a bit fiesty when getting them out (tail whips), but calms down when holding them.
$450 each with 4ft Viv and lights, but open to offers.
3 Beardies, usual type, 2 female, one male for sale with 4ft viv and lights. They are roughly about 15months old. $200.
1 bosc for sale, plus viv. Do not know if is male or female, but is about 10months old. $150.
If you want, I am happy to sell without the viv. As I know some people already have the set ups!
Selling due to change in circumstances, and want to give them good homes.
Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you.