Community, Volunteers with in Canada, Ontario, Toronto, Durham Region.
Im still trying to make it through the month since getting disabimity so early in december and not being able to use the food bank yet. One person blessed us and bought us food . Thank you so much. We have gone through most of it it was a over a week ago. Anything will help school snacks lunchs dinners thx you so much and god bless you
Need volunteers for varies positions for a one day event on Sunday Feb. 25th 2023 at Oshawa Record/CD Show at LVIV Hall in Oshawa
Need volunteers for the following:
- help for vendors as they come in and out. shifts are 7.30-10am and then 3-5pm. either time or both times are great.
-need volunteer to be a record (record supplied) and stand outside at corner jump around and point to hall. must dress warmly and even wear snow pants, coat, hat, etc.
-need volunteer to check stamps for everyone that paid admission
-need volunteers to do odds and ends during even like take orders and lunch to vendorsTHIS IS GREAT FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS VOLUNTEER HOURS!
All volunteers will have free admission to show if they want to stay
MUST BE RELIABLE AND ABLE TO WORKPlease contact me asap.
The Cognition in Psychological Disorders lab is seeking participants for a virtual study on thinking skills. This study will take approximately 2 hours to complete and will involve filling out surveys, completing cognitive tasks, answering questions about your current and past experiences. Participants will be compensated $30.
Presently, we are seeking individuals aged 18-55 who are currently feeling sad, down or depressed. To participate or learn more, please contact 613-533-6000 ext. 78478 or encode@queensu.ca
Rhinosinusitis or sinusitis is a common inflammatory condition affecting approximately 12% of the population in North America. It occurs when the lining of the sinuses gets infected or irritated, become swollen, and create extra mucus.
Cliantha Research is pre-screening volunteers that may be interested in participating in an upcoming study investigating a treatment for Recurrent Acute Rhinosinusitis (RARS)
Main Eligibility Criteria
1. At least 18 years of age with a history of RARS2. Having at least 3 episodes of rhinosinusitis within the previous 12 months, with at least 2 of those episodes requiring antibiotic treatment and symptoms lasted 4 weeks or less.
3. Experienced at least 2 of the following symptoms: postnasal drip, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, headache, facial pain, pressure or swelling, mild fever or malaise.
Contact us to learn more about the upcoming study at 905-282-1808.
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