Pets, Fish for rehoming with in Canada, Alberta, Edmonton.
Wry healthy stunning l236 SW
bonus is this guy is very hand tame, he hangs out on my hand for viewing and pictures. Not forced to stay, just lets me pick him up
Located in Devon
One of my favourite fish is the goldfish, one of thee most overlooked fish in the hobby is the goldfish. It is often dismissed as a beginner fish, and to many people it is. I started keeping fish about 20 years ago and started with goldfish myself, I’ve now rounded a corner and have fallen in love with them all over again.
I want to offer a tank to any unwanted Goldie’s out there. If your feeling overwhelmed, you Goldie’s are sick, your moving, you changed your mind and decided the goldfish isn’t the right fish for you anymore I’m opening up a tank in my home as a goldfish hotel rescue. No judgment from me or lecture on goldfish care. Just an easy way out for you.
You surrender goldfish to my care and I provide housing, food, clean water, and meds if required prior to finding them a forever homes.
Only accepting double tail goldfish due to housing restrictions.
5 spots available
Fish tank decoration. Pick up in milllwoods
Congo tetra
Group’s available
(Other large schooling tetras available)
Located northside
Multiple different types of plecos avalible
4 pieces for $5
100gal wave tank drilled with sump I will put up pictures of sump later when I get it out of storage. But all I ever used was fresh water with a canister filter before. Willing t sell tank on its own for $200
Convict cichlids for sale
1 for $3.00
4 for $10.00
Selling complete setup, newer tank with two lights. 7 fully grown L046 zebra plecos. Comes with absolutely everything you need. Plus extras. These guys are in there own tank, nothing else, using regular city water ( with conditioner) I make there food from a variety of foods. All of this will be included with them. Unsure of sexes, but based on behaviour I think I have about 4 or 5 males, 2 or 3 females. But that is no guarantee as they are not sexed. If conditions are right they should be having babies based on age. They are about 4/5 years old. I had them shipped in from two different places, and had them since they were babies. Serious inquiries only. Please read up on these guys before contacting me or at least have some knowledge on them. I'll add some better pics when I get a chance.
I’m looking for star sapphire females
Let me know if you have any to rehome
Pickup only lots available
Have a two year old 150 ft python water changing kit I no longer use looking to downsize my stuff shoot me a text with your offer no low balls please
A male and female parrot cichlid. They’ve had babies once produced well over 125. Good at raising the fry. So if you’re interested in breeding blue parrot cichlids these two will work perfect for you.
Will buy or give a home to saltwater fish
Very experienced and have several tanks both reef and fish only
Selling a 75g half moon fish tank , its drilled. Comes with stand, canopy, and sump asking 400 obo
Welcome to Fins8, the largest discus fish stock in Ontario with top-quality discus.
We ship to the closest airport by Westjet or to your door by FedEx.
Send us a message or visit our page at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fins8
Website: http://fins8.ca/#discus, #discusfish, #fins8
Bought a month ago and just upgraded.
Comes with tank and stand only!
2 large (5 inch) ($120/each)
1 medium (3 inch) ($70)
2 juveniles (1.5 inch) ($15 each)If you want all 5 for $300.
They are in a 200 gallon tank, auto filling with tap water drip system, very hardy.
Good companions for arrowana, cichlids, and even community tanks.
Easy to grow and care for. I also sell other plants, snails, and microworm cultures. Message if interested. Pickup in Manning
Crazy 3 Goldfish for trade (ps4 or ps5 games or accessories) or sale or best offer. Location is approximately 5 mins away from west edmonton mall. If add is up its still available.
Comes with bubbler, heater, lights, filter, extra sand, decorations and 3 tropical adapted goldfish. The goldfish are large and healthy. Asking 120 obo
Aquarium plants - Christmas moss
Selling for $25 per bag. Per 10 gallon I would recommend 2 bags. This plant is good for hiding spaces for all fish.
One Large Catfish, has outgrown our aquarium and needs a new home asking $30
Selling colorful blue metal snakeskin guppies fo $5 each.
2.5 gallon aquarium.
Comes with light, filter, heater, air bubbler, sand/aquasoil, lava rock as well as the fish/shrimp.
Does not come with plants.
Adult pair that had bred for the previous owner. Have not bred for me. They are gorgeous but large. They are monopolizing my main 90 gallon tank. I was hoping to have them breed or be part of a communittee tank. I am not desperate to get rid of them but wanted to see if there is interest. Thanks.
Selling for only $250 this is adult size won't get any larger. If interested please contact me by text or call thanks. 780-937-7453 (located in spruce grove)
Selling for only $40/each while supplies last, located in spruce grove. If interested please contact me by text or call thanks. 780-937-7453
Selling for only $15/each, located in spruce grove. Please visit my other ads lots of different fish available. If interested please contact me by text or call thanks. 780-937-7453
Full size adult male platinum Honduran red point
Located in Devon
10 pcs for $1 including the other kind of snail good for feeding pupper fish.
pick up in spruce grove
Born and raised in local tap water, no water buffers or special water requirements.
Approximately 1.25 to 1.5 inches
Healthy and eating NLS community and NLS algae max.
Raised in 82-86 temps
Located in Devon can make west end pickup arrangements
Selling for only $40/each while supplies last, located in spruce grove. If interested please contact me by text or call thanks. 780-937-7453
Have a regular black one ft 12” or longer
Chocolate about 8”
I am selling my 14 Tank system.. 12 tanks hold 18 gal plus, 3 spare tanks.. and the other 2 hold about 70 gal with a 70 gal sump.. comes with all plumbing, current movers, lighting, protein skimmer, 2 pumps, and a uv sterilizer.. all tanks are running with established salt water .. $2800 OBO
contact Dave
587 937 8184
5$ will get you a bundle deal of 20 snails plus 10-5 extra if not more because they are pest snails, good feeders for goldfish, assassins, loaches, ect.
I have a 10 gallon Corner curved front live fish tank for sale currently with two live plants and 10-12 Guppies. $80 Firm.. Thank you.
Born and bred in local tap water
Approximately 2.5 cm each
All Shortfin variety
Spotted - $5 each
Lemons - $10 each
Located in Devon
Nice stand. And comes with everything you need
Selling for $40/each limited quantity available, located in spruce grove. If interested please contact me by text or call thanks. 780-937-7453
Cull shrimp 3$ and yellow Neocaridina $5
Selling for only $15/each, located in spruce grove. If interested please contact me by text or call thanks. 780-937-7453
Phytoplankton ($10):
Nannochloropsis Oculata, cultured with Guillard f/2 medium formula. Live Phyto can actually consume nitrates and phosphates, all of which lead to cleaner water and a healthier reef. This live strain will benefit living organisms, corals, clams, invertebrates and other filter feeders.
Live Copepods ($20):
Bottles (300ml) of Pod blends containing Tigger pods, Apocyclops and Tisbe pods. Copepods are perfect for seeding a new reef or an old reef and will allow for a healthy micro fauna in your saltwater system. Don't have a coral reef tank, don't worry as live copepods make for a natural and enriched snack for your saltwater inhabitants.
*Larger quantities of phytoplankton and copepods can be made available*
Message me for more information.
IG: @kokoscorals
Show Grade Flowerhorn Fish take it all for $800
Selling for only $250 this is adult size won't get any larger. If interested please contact me by text or call thanks. 780-937-7453 (located in spruce grove)
Healthy fuzzy LIONFISH
Moving, must sell
Hello I have a beautiful common Pleco who needs to be rehomed with someone who has a bigger tank. She was a gift to me and my tank is not the right size for her :(
Please message for any questions. Everything must go together fish included