Pets, Livestock with in Canada, Ontario, Guelph.
(Not For Eating)
A young D'uccle rooster around 4 months old. He's from a show worthy line but just have too many roosters
Would like for him to go to a good home
Asking $20 obo
Near Fergus. On
we have does and buck as prooven breeding stock
in the pictures are females ready to breed april 8 2024
they are flemmish mix and new zealander and california mix
we also have cages water bottles and feeders in good condition
the cages start at 40 for single 80 for double and 100 for tripple
we are selling our breeding stock California, New Zealander and flemish giats mix Rabbits, does and bucks also rabbit cages in very good condition, including feeders and bottles, also breeding boxes
also 12 week old rabbits males and females
40,-- each
cages according to size, single, double, tripple ..... starting at 40 single 80 double and 100 tripple
Located in Belwood (near Orangeville/Fergus/Guelph)
Lots of White Leghorn and limited Olive Egger chicks available (see photos for egg colour). Our leghorns are our best producing hens, even through the winter. The Olive Eggers add a nice colour to your egg basket!
Sold straight run (not sexed), but if you end up with roosters you don’t want or can’t keep, we will take them back.
Several ages available - $5 for day olds up to $10 for chicks that are several weeks old.
Discount on groups of 10 or more.
Email or text 519-830-2726Chicks, hens, pullets, chickens
Female Americaunas for sale
Day old chicks ready to go by the end of April $20 - SOLD OUT FOR 2024
Laying pullets ready to go in August $60 - SOLD OUT FOR 2024
These Heritage Breed birds will lay beautiful blue green eggs.
Temperament: Docile, Friendly
Weight: 4-6 lbs.
Eggs per Year: approx 240
Egg Size: Medium
Cold Hardy: Yes
Heat Hardy: Yes
Female chicks only.
I guarantee 90% accuracy on all sexed chicks
Located in Belwood, beside Belwood Lake. Can deliver locally.
we are selling our breeding stock California, New Zealander and flemish giats mix Rabbits, does and bucks also rabbit cages in very good condition, including feeders and bottles, also breeding boxes
also 12 week old rabbits males and females
40,-- each
cages according to size, single, double, tripple .....
Safety Environmental Fully Automatic Egg Turning Incubator for a Box of 3168 Eggs Chicken/Goose/Quail.
Automatic humidifier, digital temp, internal fan… payed $2,800 brand new for it, asking $1400… it’s retailing now around $3,200. Have hatched ducks, turkeys, and chicks in it… great incubator. Will need a pickup or a trailer to pick it up and we can help with loading / moving it.
We aren’t hatching as much anymore which is why we are selling.
Day old female chicks ready to go in April $20/ea - SOLD OUT FOR 2024
LAYING Pullets ready to go September $60/ea - SOLD OUT FOR 2024
Approximately: 240 medium eggs/year.
Egg Color: pink, blue, green, white, brown
Temperment: Docile, Active
Mature weight: 5-6 lbs.
Single or Pea comb.
Cold Hardy: yes
Heat hardy: no
Female birds only.
I guarantee 90% accuracy on all sexed birds.
Pick up near Belwood Lake
Can deliver locally
Located in Belwood (near Orangeville/Fergus/Guelph), however pickup can be arranged in Guelph
Coturnix quail eggs
Eating eggs - $5/dozen
Hatching eggs - $10/dozen
Email or text 519-830-2726
Rhode island Red Rooster And Golden legBar hen for sale. Both are 7 months old. Asking $60 Obo
Near Fergus On.
Would like to trade our pigmy buck for another.
He is the big daddy.
He does his job too well and now chasing his kids.
$6 for 12/a batch of eggs
Near Fergus On.
Clean small square wheat straw. $4.00 a bale. 519-939-1858 located east Garafraxa
Silkie Hatching Eggs from my mixed colour flock. Colours include white, blue, black, buff, partridge. 100% fertility in my test incubation. Currently taking orders for a waitlist of approx 1 week.
Day old female chicks ready to go April $20/ea - SOLD OUT FOR 2024
LAYING Pullets ready to go September $60/ea - SOLD OUT FOR 2024
Weight: 7 to 8 lbs.
Eggs per Year: approx 250
Egg Size: Large Egg
Color: very dark Brown
Temperament: Calm, Friendly
Cold Hardy: Yes
Heat Hardy: Yes
Female birds only
I guarantee 90% accuracy on sexed birds.
Pick up near Belwood Lake
I can deliver locally
Small bale wheat straw
In bundles of 21
Day old female chicks ready to go April $20/ea - SOLD OUT
LAYING Pullets ready to go September $60/ea - SOLD OUT
Weight: 6 to 7 lbs
Eggs per Year: approx 290
Egg Size: Extra Large
Egg Color: Olive and Brown
Temperament: Docile, Active
Cold Hardy: Yes
Heat Hardy: Yes
Female birds only
I guarantee 90% accuracy on all sexed birds
Pick up near Belwood Lake
I can deliver locally
Limited quantity of 3x3x7 straw bales for sale! Stored indoors, they were on concrete and have around an inch of condensation on the bottom side. Call or email for details. Located minutes from Fergus and Elora, great for gardening/ weed control. Thanks!
9 week old baby rabbits available Feb 25th. They are a cross of New Zealand and Californian.
Update: Only 1 buck left available from this litter. (all brown)
Great for pets or an addition to your breeding program. Reserve your furry new friend now. See our website for more details. www.mfrabbits.ca They are all from the same litter. No separate bloodlines available at this time
Located in Belwood (near Orangeville/Fergus/Guelph)
Yearling ewe with twin ram lambs. Ewe is a commercial cross and sire of lambs is pure Suffolk.
Ewe was a bottle baby so she is very friendly. She is a great first time mom and lambed with zero assistance. Only reason for selling is we need to downsize.
Email or text 519-830-2726
Located in Belwood (near Orangeville/Fergus/Guelph), however pickup can be arranged in Guelph
Coturnix quail eggs
Eating eggs - $5/dozen
Hatching eggs - $10/dozen
Email or text 519-830-2726
Located in Belwood (near Orangeville/Fergus/Guelph)
Yearling Suffolk ram. Did a great job here but we’ll be keeping his daughters so he needs a new job. Has produced quads, triplets and twins so far.
Lives with goats, sheep and livestock guardian dogs. Easy to work with, stays out of the way, no aggression.
Email or text 519-830-2726Sheep, Ram, ewe, lamb
Cross breed of Black Orpington bantam and Ameraucana bantam. Both are 6 months old. Asking $50 Obo
Near Fergus On.