I'm disgustingly fat and need help losing weight.
The problem is I have agoraphobia and struggle to leave the house.....so joining a gym is tough for me.
I have no clue where to start, after almost a decade of being agoraphobic I find comfort in food (firmer alcoholic/smoker).
My body aches from the extra weight, I hate myself I feel like in a prison of my own body. I breath heavy just from sitting cause of all the fat in my neck and rhe extra chins I have now.
I need help, at least someone who could go to the gym with me as my safe person (someone I can trust who will be supportive if I have a panic attack or a moment of dysphoria.
I'm 5'3 220lbs
Ideally I'd like to see 150 but I'll be happy to be hbder 170.
My bday is August and I would be so happy to see myself ring in 43 not feeling like a disgusting whale.
Please let me know if you can help.
I'm open to go to the gym before work at 830 or after work a tune after 6pm.
Thank you!

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