Pets, Livestock with in Canada, Ontario, Kingston, Kingston.
1yr old rooster
Small square of wheat straw
Female goat. Mother is Angora and father is Boar
We also have several wethers for sale,
Pure Bred Alpine Buck - 1 year old. Pure bred boer buck, born in April 2023.
No papers for either..raised on organic hay, grain and pasture.
Jersey Giant hatching eggs. Rooster is unrelated to all hens. Eggs collected upon request to ensure best hatch rates.
Can also hatch chicks. Chicks will be $15 each. (Will be starting a batch in approximately a week.)
Pick up Seeleys Bay
Purebred registered and great for any cross bred program ad hybrid vigour to your herd and get sought after baldy calves please ask any questions registered as polled
But does have scurs calves have been right in th 80-85 lbs range 3 so far co owned with Rock edge Herefords and Bear Creek Herefords will post a few more current pictures
Hi I have a 2 year old charolais bull for sale. Very very quiet.. asking 3000.00 if interested please contact me at 613-305-2526
2 yearling Gelbvieh bulls. Vaccinated with Pyramid 5, and Ivomec. Fed mixed grain and corn daily amd wrapped 2nd cut. Electric fence trained. From calving ease sire. Located in Napanee.
Hello :) I have 4 beautiful young roosters looking for new flocks. Reason for selling is just that we have too many roosters and need to cut down for the peace of our flock.
Rooster number 1:
Cosmo is a purebred ameraucana. He was hatched by one of our hens and his mother was a wheaton ameraucana. At the time we also had an Isabel ameraucana rooster who is his father. Many of Cosmos siblings came out Isabel coloured, so he probably carries those genes too. He is about 9 months old, is very beautiful and colourful and relatively friendly. He has pecked my hand a bit hard sometimes when I am trying to pick him up/move him but otherwise has never attacked me or anyone else. He is a bit skittish but will tentatively follow me around for snacks.
Rooster number 2:
Reagan is honestly so beautiful, I am sad to sell him haha. But I love my current rooster so much that he gets to stay. Reagan is an interesting mix, his mother is a wheaton ameraucana and his father is a Liege Fighter (can send pictures of the father if interested but didn’t want to post them in my ad to avoid confusion). Reagan is very big, taking after his Liege fighter dad. He is about 10 months old. I think that he would make a pretty good flock protector and carries one blue egg laying gene from his mother so would give very light blue egg genetics to his children. If mixed back with another blue laying breed or back to ameraucana, you could get some pretty cool birds that lay blue eggs! I wouldn’t call Reagan particularly friendly, he definitely doesn’t want to cuddle or be picked up, but he has never shown any aggression towards a human.
Roosters number 3&4: These two guys are full brothers and look and act basically exactly the same so just doing one write up for the both of them. Their joint name is Mob junior (after an older brother they had who was also identical). The Mobs are really cool looking and the friendliest of the roosters listed here. They are another interesting mix of Liege Fighter and Appenzeller Spitzhauben. Spitzhaubens are a small white and black spotted bird with a crest which lays lots of small white eggs. These two guys are a bit lighter from the spitzhauben genes and inherited their mothers crest (it is not a full crest like hers but a cool half spikey crest haha). I think they look really cool with their spikey hair and V-combs. They are quite friendly compared to most of our other roosters and will allow you to pick them up without much fuss. They are the youngest of the available roosters, about 6 months old.If you are interested in any of these guys please reach out and tell me about your setup, why you’re interested, and where the roosters will be living! I care very much about my animals so just want to make sure they are going to good homes :)
Delivery may be possible if you live around or on route to where I go to get groceries (generally either renfrew, pembroke or sometimes the ottawa area/kanata)
We have 4 lovely Nigerian Dwarf does available from Willow Bay.
Raised with love and lots of handling, they are very friendly and socialized.
Located between Toronto - Ottawa, and Kingston - Smiths Falls.
Bonus* - They are all breeding age and come from good milking lines.
Disbudded and required vaccinations for this area.
Registered. Closed herd.2x Gold with brown eyes, 1 x buckskin with brown eyes (1 blue allele), 1x buckskin with blue eyes
Mimzie: B: 2020 (FF -2 doelings). (Sacred Grove JK Cafe Latte x Further SMB Promised Land) ($500)
Flora: B: 2022 (Turtlewood SO Zeta x Giffens Glade SC Mimzie) ($700)
Fauna: B: 2022. (Turtlewood SO Zeta x Giffens Glade SC Mimzie) ($600)
Nova: B: 2022 (Turtlewood SO Zeta x Giffens Glade TC Stella) ($650)Would like them sold together in their little bonded herd and a large discount for taking all 4 does!
Read more about them here: https://willowbaynaturals.com/blogs/goats
1 more Chance ranch is looking to buy project horses or horses needing forever homes
We are interested in ,horses,ponies,minis,donkeys,mules
We do not sell to auctions we only sell to good forever homes
Call or txt Tony (613-922-5838) if u may have something forsale .
Check us out on Facebook
Her name is Blossom. Purebred alpine doe.. She was born and raised on our farm and has been our best milker (creamy and lots).
She can be hand-milked or by a machine.. Very leadable. She has been bred by a purebred alpine buck, so dry at the moment.
We are selling her as we don't want horns in our herd. We have five other milkers.
$500.00 obo.
Looking for a full size goat no miniatures closer to Kingston the better
Custom built chicken coop. Still in excellent shape. Large run, and coop with multiple doors and ramp. Side egg box. Cedar construction, metal roof. Cost of materials would be more. Purchaser responsible for dismantling and transport.
•Red Sexlink HENS, 8 Months Old Laying Eggs. Vaccinated and Healthy. I have around 10 of them up for sale.
•Asking $45 per hen
•I'm In The West Part of Kingston, but still in Town
•If Interested, Please Call or Text 613 483 2994.
Thank You!
Chickens and coup for sale 1 roster and 1 hen laying eggs now $120 6139121171
16 foot Sundowner Rancher
7 foot interior height
Adjustable interior gate with 10 foot track
Interior LED light with rear exterior toggle switch
Full swing rear gate with slider
Full swing centre gate with slam latch and slider
Full length running boards
Full gate over gooseneck
52” escape door on drivers’ side
5200 lb lippert torsion axels
16” radial tires with aluminum rims
Balance of factory warranty
Current saftey with yellow sticker
Very lightly used
Well maintained
Like new condition
Pressure washed after each use
$40,000 obo
Near Sharbot Lake Ont.
Experienced,licensed and insured trapper offering nuisance trapping (beaver, muskrat, coyote,raccoon, squirrel, etc) as well as dam removal for Kingston and surrounding areas. Please message or call 613-214-2663 for any inquiries, thanks
2 bulls available, about 20 months old,
Looking for big chicken breeds such as Brahmas or Jersey Giants
Corral panels
10 feet long 5 foot high
Great for all livestock
$200 each panel or will do a better deal if taking 10 or more
30 panels available
Call or txt Tony
6 1 3 9 2 2 5 8 3 8
North Frontenac area
Trucking available
21/2 year old tested and good breeder about 400-500 pounds
reason for selling is trying to down size
4 month old Katahdin ram