Pets, Reptiles & amphibians for rehoming with in Canada, Saskatchewan, La Ronge.
Free to a good home I am downsizing
Pic 1 extreme male 35 grams 1/12 years old
Pic 2 full pinstripes quad male 4 years old proven
Healthy boy! Under a year, I’ve never taken him out.
Je souhaite trouver un nouveau domicile pour une femelle mature,
c’est une espèce vraiment facile d’entretien et ne demande pas un énorme terrarium.
le mâle est plus facile à manipuler que la femelle mais avec du temps elle ce laisse faire.
ce sont des geckos strictement nocturnes et insectivores, ils demande une humidité de 70-90% puis un arrosage le matin et le soir, une température ambiante de 22-25c
un terra 18x18 ou 24x18 est parfait pour eux.
Bought from Jp reptiles in Toronto
het for clown male
Ready to breed
First turtle is chong she’s a cooter turtle she loves attention from people and is upset friendly
Second turtle is cheech she’s a Mississippi map she’s friendly but very shy it takes her a bit to warm up
Both turtles are about 3.5 years old they have been together since hatchlings as for that I will not separate unless signs of aggression are shown.. the last home kept them in a very small tank as for that they have stunted growth but have been growing good since I got them(2yrs ago)
Both healthy and have started shedding good
Albino red axanthic chocolate female