Pets, Livestock with in Canada, Alberta, Medicine Hat.
From the heart of hard grass country JG Larson Livestock is proud to offer sires selected from the top end of 41 bulls. These bulls are produced to sire calves that will be born unsupervised on pasture and to perform to the maximum potential of the Charolais breed. Attention is paid to genetics and nutrition to enhance longevity and soundness. These bulls are all brothers to our bull battery that services a commercial herd of over 600 crossbred cows.
For more information go to:
19 Registered Yearling Red Angus Bulls, 5 Registered Two-Year Red Angus Bulls, and 20 Fancy Red Commercial Heifers on offer at the Bulls Eye Sale at Bow Slope Shipping in Brooks on Tuesday, March 18. All bulls are semen tested and have full herd health including vaccination for foot rot. All heifers are palpated and have full herd health. Sale heifers have been selected from the top end of our replacement pen. March 14 average weight of heifers is 905 lbs.
Renaissance Red Angus Bulls begin at Lot 70 in the catalogue and video listings. Bull Sale Catalogue can be viewed online through DLMS at the following links:
Videos of all bulls can be viewed at the following link:
https://www.cattlevidsviewer.ca/events/10841_031825_CV_2025Spring/For more information or to view bulls or heifers prior to sale day, call Renaissance Red Angus - Cam Morris @ 403-501-9492.
Call Leon - 403-664-0370 for more info.
Pen opens MARCH 1ST - Oyen AB
All bulls will be semen tested prior to March 1st.
Please see online catalog at
350 3x4x8 2nd cut straight alfalfa bales. $160/ton delivery available
Frame is Built from 3.5" and 7.5" uprights. All notched and welded oilfield pipe. Brushes are able to swivel and will last a very long time. Removable top to change brushes. Brushes are 11" above the ground so they won't freeze into the ground.
Hay for sale, would make good cow feed. Around 300 bales available. Feed report in pictures. Located between Brooks and Tilley. $140/ton
5 black-black/brockle
Top picks
Great mothers
Roughly 600 lbs end November
2 beautiful young roosters looking for a new flock. $20 each. Pick up in Brooks
100% Alfalfa bales for sale.
2nd cut baled Aug 14/23
No rain, baled dry, stored in field.
Cut at 30% bloom.
Average 1450 lbs
475 bales available
Located near Medicine Hat Alberta
I can delivery, I will load your trailer
Contact Dave
Heated waters for chickens or ducks work great $40 each
Have a 3 year-old pair bread white durper Ram for sale twin
Water in our barn isn’t working & I’m over hauling water. I’ve got 2 very friendly snipped boy Nigerian dwarf goats(wethers), 4 mostly friendly ducks, & about 10-15 friendly chickens. Make me an offer and I’m sure we can work something out. All were born early summer or 2023. They do need to all go as a package deal unless you only want the goats.
Chicken feeders ( Custom Orders available ) 36" X 30 " X 12" Height
Berkshire/Tamsworth weiner pigs for sale from prolific mother. Both mother and boar are very nice and easy to handle
1st cut alfalfa - $9/bale
2nd cut small square alfalfa/grass - $14.50/bale
3rd cut small square alfalfa - $13/bale
Hay is stored inside
Located in Bow Island
Delivery available by semi load - self unloading
Hello 587-804-0390 text is the best way to get a hold of me.
I have for Sale Brown and White Free Range Eggs, at a big discount compared to grocery stores. These eggs in grocery stores will run from$6.50/Dozen and up. We are asking $5/Dozen but orders of 10 or more Dozen can be discounted to $4.50/dozen. Our facility is HACCP Approved. Can deliver to Medicine Hat or Lethbridge at no extra charge. We have both white and brown, so you can take all white or all brown, or mixed. If you are looking to cut down on food prices, we are your source. An Egg has the perfect balance of Nutrients that the body requires. They have a beautiful yolk color. Please check out my other Ads.
Teddy is roughly 11 months old. Proven to successfully breed. Comes by his name. Never been outside the pen. Friendly but loves a good petting. Very vocal around the ladies. Goes crazy for bananas and loves cut up apples.
UTD on vaccinations
Good around mini ponies and doesn’t mind the dog running around the yard and fence when being fed.
He and my other goats out themselves to bed in their shelter every night. They are spoiled and will get vocal if he hasn’t had a snack in a couple of days. Other than that a really good keeper.
Can be a struggle to trim feet if you don’t have a stand.
P/u only