Pets, Lost & found with in Canada, Ontario, Toronto, Mississauga.
10yr old female calico last seen on Wakefield Crescent near Rathburn Rd in Mississauga-she is usually shy ans scared-please call Bree 416-700-2592
Short hair white, grey and brown tabby. Doesn't have a tail. Responds to her name, Sophie. Very friendly and will approach when called. Likes pets and will flop around when petted.
Charlie was lost on October 24 2023. Male black and white, tuxedo, cat, 8 1/2 year old, 10 pounds weight. Friendly, likes sunshine and brushing, his comfy deck chair, soft blankets and Sylv.
Cat Name: Jugnu
Weight: 15lbs (large cat)
Jugnu has been missing since Aug 29th, he is friendly but may run away if approached quickly. He is a brown tabby cat with a white belly. He is missing his collar and harness. He may come when called and if there are treats.
Lost near Duford drive and Bancroft drive Mississauga
Still missing!!! Lost Jan 2022 off Torbram Rd and Drew Mississauga.
Industrial area lits of truckers hoping anyone has seen him this summer? Has striped tail with white tip tail. Yellow/gold eyes
Please spread the word! Tiki was LOST on August 1, 2022 in Mississauga, ON L5B 4A3 near Central Parkway & Grand Park
Message from Owner: I recently lost my 10 year old conure due to health issues and ever since I got Tiki, she has brought nothing but joy and happiness into my life. Please do whatever you can to find her and bring her home to me please, it would mean the absolute world to me 💔
Description: Turquoise Yellowsided Conure. She is 6 months old and very friendly. She doesn’t quite know her name well just yet but she will respond to kissing noises.
LOST: Beloved Bird, Cockatiel
LOST: Beloved Bird, Cockatiel (name: Starbuck)
Last seen: Hillside Dr & Thomas St #Mississauga on May 9th
Is fully flighted so could be in surrounding cities/regions by now, or still in Mississauga. I need help finding her and helping her find me/come home.
She is mostly grey with white edges along her tips
Has red circles on her cheek
Has a crest typical of a Cockatiel
Has hints of yellow coming through on face
Yellow under the tail with gray stripes and around feet too
Please spread the word! Potato was LOST on April 29, 2022 in Mississauga, ON near Royal Mason Crt & Westbourne Terrace
We miss our baby so much. Hope Potato is safe outside. PLEASE HELP US FIND OUR CAT.
Description: Male Domestic Shorthair Grey
Lost over the weekend. Blue eyes with smoky details.
Orange male Tabby TIGGER last seen Bren Rd Mississauga Ont. Trucking cat FROM LONDON. slippedout of truck family desperate to find him. Has black collar and tag and WHITE TIPPED TAIL. PLEASE SHARE
white cat with grey stripes, his tail is like a raccoon's tail. he's wearing a red collar with a bell on it. he has green eyes and his name is kai.
Hi all, my cat got away from me in the late hours of the night on Nov 1 2021 and has not returned. Cannot be found either.
He is the white and ginger cat in the picture.
He escaped on Lakeshore Rd W near Southdown Rd, beside Clarkson Community Church. Behind the Clarkson fish and chips.
If spotted or found please call me Rodney 416 895 7896.
He is not neutered, don't think he is wearing his collar either.
Pickachu was lost on June 19 2021 near Morning Star/Goreway Mississauga Ontario!! 2 spottings at BYBROOK and NETHERBRAE MISSISSAUGA!! Please if you know absolutely ANYTHING PLEASE CALL 6479019821!! We will give a cash reward to anyone who finds pickachu safe!!!
looking for extra eyes to keep a look out
Hello, my name is Jessica and I lost the love of my life Peppermint. She got out of the house around 6:30am on July 9th I noticed her gone when I got home from work that day... she is my life.. if anyone sees this lovebird she is mostly green with pink and blue. Please can you call me at 7054933314 I live off heritage hills Blvd.