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+27603483377 Do you want more money? Are you looking for easy spells for beginners? Instant Money Spells is written by a professional magick practitioner of over 20 years experience so it's full of spells that work! The easy money spells and potions in Instant Money Spells takes the most powerful occult systems and streamlines them into an effortless, effective method for attracting an abundance of money. The money magick spells for beginners are real spells that work and cover how to cast spells, the items you need and more importantly how to get solid results - FAST! Whether you want emergency money or a strong financial future, spells for money, in particular spells for beginners are what you are looking for. The easy money spells and potions in Instant Money Spells this mix of ancient talismans and modern secrets which get wealth flowing into your life - TODAY! The best part is that you don't need to know how to cast spells. Not sure if Instant Money Spells is for you? Here is one of our money spells for beginners that anybody of any skill level can complete and get results from: Tonka Bean Token Tonka beans are traditionally used for money-drawing spell work and don't require much additional magick to turn them into money talismans. All you need is: One whole Tonka bean Yep, that's it. Though you might have to do a little searching for a Tonka bean. Occult shops or herb suppliers should have them. Hold the bean in your hand and repeat the following: "I have a Tonka bean Because times are lean May it draw me money Like bees to honey" Carry the bean around everywhere you go, and like with the last spell, a purse is best. It needs to stay near where you carry your money when you are out.
No casting circles or complicated magick rituals
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You'll never get another tome which has so many easy money spells in one place, so if you are looking for spells for beginners or spells that work, then the spells for money in Instant Money Spells are for you. Remember no experience required - these are spells for beginners and masters alike, so no need to know how to cast spells. Buy your copy today and start receiving money in as little as 2 days!
Revenge Spells are performed when all the doors of justice are closed. If someone has done wrong to you, has destroyed your life, made your life like hell, has taken your love away from you, has taken your business or money, has killed someone very close to you then you may go for this very strong Revenge Spells. If your enemy is very rich and strong and you are very eager to take your revenge then you may go for these very strong and powerful Revenge Spells. +27718452838
Also Revenge Spells are not Necessarily Evil or Dark.
The Revenge Spell Casting is PRIVATE. This Spell Casting is 100% DISCREET, SAFE and GUARANTEED TO WORK
Revenge is a normal human emotion. Some people can forgive & some cannot. If you have been hurt so bad & you want revenge then you need revenge spells
How can you live with yourself & watch the person who did something bad to you or someone you care about not get their fair share of justice for the pain and suffering they have caused. Do you feel depressed, helpless cannot obtain peace thinking that a person who did something bad to them is not getting back his fair share. Don't let the feelings of revenge eat you up. Get revenge with revenge spells.
Make your enemies get a taste of their own medicine with revenge spells. Don't let evil win by letting a evil person who has wronged you get away without experiencing the suffering they deserve and also don't let evil rule supreme in your world & make people think twice before causing harm on another person who has not done anything to them by using revenge spells for ultimate revenge
When someone intentionally tries to do you harm physically or emotionally, it is human nature to at least consider seeking revenge.. Make people respect you & fear your karma by seeing all the people who harm you suffer at the hands of your revenge spells. Don't let anyone take advantage of you & punish evil doers with revenge spells
Clear away thoughts of hate against someone by casting a revenge spell that will appease your anger & discipline them with powerful revenge spells. Let your enemies know who is powerful & dominate with revenge spells
The struggle with revenge is centuries old. Shakespeare said, "If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?" Shakespeare clearly thought revenge was as normal and predictable as the sun rising.
Saving your life after being cast a revenge curse on you.
With today’s accessibility of magic and its rapid development, no one is secured against the revenge curse. And you don’t have be a bad person, do evil and escape punishment for that. Moreover, even if you live a pious life, are friendly, treat people with care and respect, someone can still cast a black revenge hex on you any time, turning your life into hell.
Contact Me For Revenge and protection Today +27718452838
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