Community, Long lost relationships with in Canada, Ontario.
Watch "(LIVE) Wisdom And Wealth Retreat (17 February 2025) Divine UK" on https://www.youtube.com/live/v3tsK4KJ4Ns?si=Ng7ZZiT9XLDYi0KQ. Signs n miracles, faith Numbers 14:11 today, now Choose to believe without doubt and signs and miracls. Worship God Always Repent Remember Jesus Christ died for You so You can be together forever with Him in heaven Hallelujah amen Praying for You right now with 5-15k Please pray together with me implore mercy for the world, sick especially cancer patients people with addictions, dying hopeless depressed orphans widows souls in purgatory broken families refugees peace in the world salvation of souls. By the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ You are healed delivered anointed blessed Hallelujah Amen
Haven’t been able to reach my best friend in over two years. We miss him greatly, it’s unlike him to not be in contact. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Known as P Virus or Poetic Virus, those who love him know him as Kevin.
If you’re seeing this Poe…Gigi misses you so much……
Are you tired of repeating the same circles over and over ?
Not sure if he/she is being faithful ?
Stuck in a dead end job ?
Or maybe you just need direction in your path of happiness !
From General readings to deep healing I can help you with all life matters
Tarot card reading $25
lovers reading $25
Twin flame match reading $25I specialize in all matters of the heart
Removing dark energy
And restoring relationshipsCALL/DM FOR MORE INFO
located in Toronto
Patrick Couperthwaite Aged 43. Grew up in Brampton and London area. Goes back and forth. He’s been been known to sleep on the streets and panhandles to survive. Pops up every few years. Last known location was in 2019 Lindsey Ontario. Just trying to get some news to him.
Last known location was in 2019 Lindsey Ontario. He’s been been known to sleep on the streets. And pops up every few years. Just trying to get some news to him.
Looking for Karen.
She worked in the laundry mid to late 80's
Been forever. Love to catch up
Watch "Luz de Maria: Dual Tragedies of Fire Occur After USA Feast! Quickly Flee If You See This!" on YouTube
Glory be to Jesus Christ. Have a blessed week and life
Remember who you are precious child of God and Jesus Christ died for You so You can be together forever with Him in heaven Hallelujah amen
Praying for You and your family and friends country world and church leaders and anointing deliverance repentance salvation of souls especially souls in purgatory broken families refugees peace in the world sick especially cancer patients people with addictions
By the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ You are healed delivered anointed blessed Hallelujah Amen
Fundraising for orphans Divine Mercy Orphans Fr John Bashabora Uganda orphans
Anyone interested in helping please let me know, send funds to mwasylinko@yahoo.com or MoneyGram, Western Union, RIA to Victor Owori financial manager
Watch "#today blessings HOW Devil Tormenting your Life Towards Darkness !!! VIP Adoration" on YouTube
Glory be to the Father and to the Holy Spirit now and forever and ever
amenWatch "Daily Retreat for Healing, Deliverance and Anointing | 13 - December -2024 | Logos Retreat Centre" on YouTube
Watch "Jesus Explained the Secret to Being Resilient and Strong in Life" on YouTube
Watch "Jesus Reveals What Most Get Wrong About Talking to God" on YouTube
Please pray Christmas Novena for souls in purgatory "THIS Happens in Purgatory on Christmas…" on YouTube
Watch "Daily Retreat for Healing, Deliverance and Anointing | 02 - October -2024 | Logos Retreat Centre" on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/live/yhNJ8IbE29k?si=JMqtzxJKHLKZrNEq
Pride fall of angel
Pride is mother of all sins
Struggle daily to be more humble
Looking for Bekki.
Been a long time and time heals so it's said.
We were young and both were not perfect with our efforts.
I, I do regret my part in not being enough.
Just wondering how you are, how life has been for you.
Probably a mom with two kids and a great husband.
Maybe it's time to bring closer?
Daily Surrender And Deliverance Prayer 17 August 2023 live now and daily 4:30pm Toronto time
Marian Consecration - Father Chris Alar, MIC
Daily 3pm Divine Mercy shrine Massachusetts pray with 2000+ or by yourself for yourself and salvation of souls government the world Wed., Aug. 16 - Chaplet of the Divine Mercy from the National Shrine Day 6 Novena for little children
Please pray for repentance, forgiveness surrender and mercy of God
Remember WHO You are precious child of God and Jesus Christ died for You so You can be together forever with Him in heaven Hallelujah Amen
I'm praying for You and your family now so You can have a blessed week and life, best filled with the Holy Spirit Christmas ever
Please pray for me and my family Ukraine Canada Poland homeless jobless orphans widows souls in purgatory broken families refugees peace in the world and church leaders and world leaders people in authority, jobless orphans widows, hopeless, disabled conversion of sinners
We pray through Mary our mother
By the precious Blood of Jesus Christ we are Healed delivered anointed blessed
Watch "The Kaaba may not exist! Hail Devastates Kaaba And Terrifies Muslims." on YouTube
Watch "My Promise To YOU | Gods message today | God blessings message | God's Message Now" on YouTube
https://youtu.be/NeEHHC8I_Wc?si=hR-7waA_mmQsE9sCWatch "Sun., Dec. 17 - Chaplet of the Divine Mercy from the National Shrine" on YouTube
Watch "Sun, Dec 17 - Holy Catholic Mass from the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy" on YouTube
Watch "The Kaaba may not exist! Hail Devastates Kaaba And Terrifies Muslims." on YouTube
Watch "Day 3NOVENA for CHRISTMASMonday Rosary & Prayers, Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, Dec. 18" on YouTube
Flame of Love Rosary | 20 Decade Rosary | How To Blind Satan | All Mysteries" on YouTube
Watch " ALL Mysteries - Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious | Rosary with Scripture" on YouTube
Please pray for salvation of souls dying homeless jobless souls in purgatory
Aborted children
World and church leaders
Remember WHO You are precious child of God and Jesus Christ died for You so You can be together forever with Him in heaven Hallelujah Amen
Remember to worship God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit like Mary, John the beloved apostle. Worship Jesus not Your problems, surrender everything to Jesus and worship Him. Jesus You take over, increase my faith,heal me and my family Ukraine Canada Poland homeless and deliver me and the world from evil people, blind them with the sword of Elisha, Messiah and St Gabriel until they repent and are filled with the Holy Spirit
Hallelujah Amen
I'm healed delivered anointed blessed by the precious Blood of Jesus
Watch "Lorena – Many Great Natural Disasters Will End Thousands Of Lives. All Nations Will Soon Be Purified" on YouTube
Watch "The Meaning of the Mass - Living Divine Mercy TV Show (EWTN) Ep. 68" on YouTube
“Stand firm in the faith! Do not let yourselves be confused!” From Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s Spiritual Testament published on December 31,2022. He wrote it in 2006 but its simple clear message is important for our confusing times. Faith & reason are not in conflict.
Watch "Daily Retreat for Healing, Deliverance and Anointing | 05-January -2024 | Logos Retreat Centre" on YouTube
Prayer, fasting, reparation,1st Friday https://www.kijiji.ca/v-long-lost-relationships/city-of-toronto/prayer-fasting-reparation-1st-friday/1681736707?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_content=vip
please pray for all vaccinated people and those who forced onto us to repent and return to God
Watch "Physical Healing Adoration | 14 December | Fr. Augustine Vallooran VC | Divine Retreat Centre" on YouTube
Remember that Mom? When my son was a tot and would call out your name in a wee Scottish accent? At the Bramalea City Center (Bi-Way, I think). I think about those days a lot. I still had a lot of things to work through, and a heck of a lot more to go through. But I think I'm someone you'd be pleased with, now.
I'm looking for my Mom. Maybe you know her, or someone who does?
Her name is Rosalie Ethel Biddiscombe (unless she remarried). DOB is Feb. 26th 1947.
I'm her daughter, Renee.
Maybe you are a Social Worker, or work with Seniors or even know someone who does.
I wish I could be the person I am today for her back then, but God/the Universe wasn't done teaching me things, yet
I wish I could tell her she was right about so many things.
But mostly, I just want to tell her I love her.
I am also exploring other avenues of finding to, Mom
Mom! Where are you? It was never supposed to be like this! You're in my dreams, in my heart and in my head more that you know.
Looking for ANY information that can lead to finding my mom.
Name: Rosalie Ethel Biddiscombe nee. Earle.
D.O.B: February 26th, 1947.
Last know whereabouts: Newmarket- Holland Landing.
I miss you sooo much!❤️
Looking to reconnect with a friend from the 1980's. Bills last name could differ in spelling a bit but this is how I remember it. Bill, another friend and myself were all big time Marilyn Monroe collectors during that time and we'd get together on a regular basis at my apartment in Scarborough. Our third friend (Bruce Fenwick of Toronto) in the group has since passed and we've all aged in years and I'd like to try and connect with Bill for old times sake before there's no time left. If you know of Bill and his whereabouts any information would be appreciated.
I'm looking for Oshane Pennant regarding a legal matter , anyone with information on this persons whereabouts or any info please contact me here or on the number provided thank you
Hi. Looking for a young man, early 30's named Cory or Corey or Kory Eagle (Engle?).
Lives in Toronto works on Metrolink, has a young daughter, Vanessa, born Christmas day.
Tried to get contact info from his ex-partner (Sarah ?) but she is not helpful.
If anyone can provide a phone or email contact it would be appreciated.