Pets, Livestock with in Canada, Ontario.
Shearing available
Sheep llamas alpacas and angora goats
Call John for information
905 749 8188
Sheep, Llamas, alpacas and angora goats
Lots of experience full time shearer
Service Southern Ontario .
For any questions contact
905 749 8188
Poule Lohmann blanche et des brunes. Elle ont 19 semaines donc prête à pondre et elle sont vaccinées et vermifugées.
ORDER NOW! Taking orders for 4 frame nucleus colonies which are full of bees with two frames of brood, a frame of honey and pollen and a empty pulled frame for the queen to lay eggs in. They come with a current year queen bred for survival in northern Ontario. The price is $270. to be paid when ordering which is non refundable if you don’t pick up your bees. They are sold on a first come first serve basis. We have limited quantities so get your order in to keep from being disappointed.
Dates still available for pickup are
June- 24, 28,
July- 2, 10
These are dates we have set up for our convenience. We are flexible so we make sure you can get your bees.
We also have a few 10 frame hives @ $450. each available
we are located in Rutherglen
To order
Call Scott 705-571-7082
Email: scott@fbeefarm.com
ORDER NOW! Taking orders for 4 frame nucleus colonies which are full of bees with two frames of brood, a frame of honey and pollen and a empty pulled frame for the queen to lay eggs in. They come with a current year queen bred for survival in northern Ontario. The price is $270. to be paid when ordering which is non refundable if you don’t pick up your bees. They are sold on a first come first serve basis. We have limited quantities so get your order in to keep from being disappointed.
Dates still available for pickup are
June- 24, 28,
July- 2, 10
These are dates we have set up for our convenience. We are flexible so we make sure you can get your bees.
We also have a few 10 frame hives available for$450. each
To order
Call Scott 705-571-7082
Email: scott@fbeefarm.com
We are opening up our waitlist for 2025 baby goats.
The ad is for taking deposits for babies expected in June
We sell out every year, so its best to be on the list.
Our herd is small,closed, healthy and up to date on vet visits and vaccinations.
Our goats are registered
Our mamas are great little milkers if thats what you're looking for.
Our herd sire (daddy goat) is on property.
Doelings (females) unregistered are $400
Bucklings (males) are $200
Additional $50 if you want the boys fixed.
I do not dehorn
We have been selling healthy, well socialized, friendly baby goats for many years and truly offer some of the best.
Deposits are required to join the waitlist as we sell out every season, its best to join quickly.
ORDER NOW! Taking orders for 4 frame nucleus colonies which are full of bees with two frames of brood, a frame of honey and pollen and a empty pulled frame for the queen to lay eggs in. They come with a current year queen bred for survival in northern Ontario. The price is $270. to be paid when ordering which is non refundable if you don’t pick up your bees. They are sold on a first come first serve basis. We have limited quantities so get your order in to keep from being disappointed.
Dates still available for pickup are
June- 24, 28,
July- 2, 10
These are dates we have set up for our convenience. We are flexible so we make sure you can get your bees.
We also have a few 10 frame hives @ $450. each available
we are located in Rutherglen
To order
Call Scott 705-571-7082
Email: scott@fbeefarm.com
Purebred, registered charolais bulls. 1 long yearling and 8 yearlings available. Bulls will be semen tested end of March. Moderate birth weights, with performance out of western genetics. Reserve yours today and we will feed till end of May.
Retail sales of all types of fence and fence components. 4", 5", 6" and 7" x 8' cedar posts, 4"x12', 5"x 10' and 12' available by special order. T-posts, page and woven wire, Hi-tensile, electric, braid, vinyl ranch, non-climb horse fence, cattle and hog panels, commercial and residential chainlink.
Let our 30 years of experience help you with your next project.
Post hole augering with skidsteer and Installation bookings also available.
We are also a dealer for the following suppliers, orders can be placed thru us and picked up in our yard. Farmstead Fence, Duralume Aluminum Gates, Diamond and True North Gates, Stockmans Choice Cattle Handling Equipment, Martin Hay Feeders, Schummer Sheep and Goat Equipment, Marweld and John B M Mfg. Give us a call or send your layout and we can provide a material list and pricing.
Vantam Fencing. Brigden, Ontario
Hatched from pure bramha chickens.
Some chickens were imported from Turkey.
Black mollted,
Lights, and
Straight run
Tweed Ontario
pick up only
Text or call Bryan
(613) 242-8503
3 month old pure Romanov ewe lambs.. great way to add some prolific ewes to your flock… average triplets at lambing time.. high health closed flock.. have had their first glanvac 6 vaccination nearly ready for their booster shot.. approx 25-30 available. Thanks Clark 226 974 6412
One extra age (October 2023) and four yearling bulls for sale this spring from Twin Creeks Farm via private treaty. Bulls are located on the farm near Foresters Falls. Contact to view the bulls. They have all been vaccinated with a modified live Vaccinate and will be semen tested in early March. Bulls will be priced between 5500-8000. Please contact for more information or to book a time to view the bulls.
Small square bales first cut hay, baled dry no preservatives added, no rain and stored indoors,
Beef calves for sale!
First is a Simmental short horn steer, 550- 600 lbs, $2500
Second is a Simmental/belgian short horn cross steer. 550-600 lbs $2500
Third is a holstien short horn cross heifer, 550lbs $2200
All on hay and grain/corn and beef grower
Small Square Straw Bales
Clean, Dry, stored inside
Delivery available
Holstein Semen
BagalHoldstar sires
No Bull sires
Browndale sires
All semen listed below $10/ dose
Alta All-Red
Sandy valley Talent-11753
Brown Swiss - zapata
Guernsey semen - caspin-200GU119
- Morey - 200GU117Contact for doses and price
Large quantity of wrapped Sorghum Sudan forage round bales for sale. 4 ft x 56".
Meet Moo-Moo!
Moo-Moo is our gilt pick of the year for 2024, shes currently 9 months old, shes super cute with a unique black and white color, double waddled female Kunekune pig.
She has great physical characteristics, big, well rounded body, great thick legs and hams. An ideal breeder pig for anyone raising kunekune.
She has a very hard to beat COI of 3.21! So perfect genes for a breed stock program. She also has perfect proportion and large characteristics for meat production breeding
AKKPS: 53831
We also have a registered unrelated breeding bore for anyone interested in breeding pairs.
We also have plenty of unregistered castrated bores for finishing.
Check out my other adds for more pigs
Feel free to check out our farms page @ClayHouseFarms On Facebook and Instagram or our website www.clayhousefarms.com
Selling my four year old speckled Park cow named Patty. She is very friendly and will allow you to pet her. She would be great for somebody with a hobby farm looking for a calf every year for meat. Should have her calf in May asking 4000
Bull onsite
Looking for breeding duck or fertilized eggs .
Weiner Pigs 100$ each (8 weeks)
Grower Pigs 350$ each (4 months)
Finished Pigs $700 each (9 months)
Retired Sow $500
Get your sheep and goats' feet trimmed. $12 per head, $15 for big billys or rams. Please note: mimimum farm fee of $100. Discounts can be arranged for larger numbers of animals. Additional travel costs apply.
Shearing also available.
WHOLE CORN..........
Excellent energy source for poultry and livestock.
Cracked corn is exactly what it sounds like: corn kernels that have been dried and cracked into pieces that are easier for poultry and livestock.
Quails, doves, pheasants, deers, goats and beefcow's like to eat cracked corn too.
Try it now.....
50 lbs bag of Cracked Corn for only $12,50
50 lbs of Whole Corn for only $9,50
Pick up in Courtland
No Sunday sales
No delivery
Just born Feb 16 th (today) 2 baby boys kids available as bottle babies. Currently nursing off mama for the colostrum. Tillsonburg pickup $75 each . Do not waste my time only message if serious and will respond when i message you back. Thank you....
SOLD might have more in a week
We are now booking chick orders for May and beyond.
We start filling hatching egg orders in March.We have all our planned hatch dates for chicks on our chick order form.
If you would like to book for one of our hatches you can go to the link below to be directed to our order form.
You can also send me a message 705-760-0376 and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Chicks Straight Run
Hatching Eggs
$40/ half dozen (Hatching Eggs)
$80/ dozen (Hatching Eggs)
$12 per chick with a minimum of 3 chicks (chicks do better in groups)We are offering our Black and Blue Copper Marans this spring.
We have selected our breeding stock from 5 separate small breeders across Canada. We have noticed that two of our lines seem to really compliment each other and may combine these two lines toward the end of this year when we can really assess our grow outs from this combination. We are working toward our 6 main goals with our line of Marans, we are very selective with our flock and are finally confident enough with our flock’s performance to meet the American Standard that we will be showing our Black Copper Marans line this fall.Our Marans eggs on average are 65-75 grams and are currently a #4 - #7 on the MCCUSA shade card and are group A and B for roundness. Though we love the dark eggs, it is not all about the eggs. We select for overall health and vigour of the bird and are slowly working toward darker eggs within our flock. It takes years of hatching and selective breeding to achieve a well-balanced healthy bird that lays those dreamy dark russet-coloured eggs.
We only hatch out our roundest and darkest eggs here on the homestead.
Egg shades will vary depending on the time of year as Marans lay a lighter shade later in the season.We are active members of the APA and both the Marans Club USA and Marans Chicken Club. We only breed to the APA standard of perfection.
Please Visit our website for more information regarding our Marans and the 2025 season.
We offer pickup (meet in South River), and we ship hatching eggs Canada wide in custom made foam.
**weekly hatches**
Purebred breeding stock however colours are mixed for now. I have not separated all the colour varieties yet. Price will increase when I do. Will lay beautiful medium sized blue eggs.
Chicks $10 straight run
Travel between Milton and Burks Falls and can drop off along the way.
Hereford bull calf for
Located Emsdale
Top sired heifer For Sale!
Sired artificially by Fargo
Grandam is over 16 years old/Longevity!!
Stanchion broke
On grain and wrapped hay
Quiet Herd
Extremely Quiet Heifer!!Call (705)761-4057
4 ducks I believe all male. Add them to your farm or freezer. They have been hand raised and hand fed and friendly, no health issues and lived amongst chickens. Downsizing and need them to rehome. $80 for all 4 OBO
We have a pair of Miniature Jullian pigs. The female is named Peanut she is roughly 8 years old , the male is fixed and his name is Wilbur that is roughly 4. They are both very friendly and will follow you to the end of the earth for cheerios. They are currently living in the barn but.they are both house trained and would do well living either way. I want them to go as a pair as they are quit bonded. The only reason I am removing them is my kids have out grown them and they are not getting the attention they deserve.
Pure Production Charolais Bull & Female Sale
Feb 22nd @ 1pm - Hoards Station Sale Barn
A top quality offering of Full French, French Influence & Purebred bulls ranging in ages from Yearling - 3 years old. Calving ease & Performance bulls available. There is also a good selection of replacement heifers that will be on offer as well. Internet bidding will be available through DLMS.ca
Catalogue online: https://issuu.com/overthetopcattle/docs/gc_online?fbclid=IwY2xjawIKgE1leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHa5aTmqkV8Mq44spc-NwsLUMiB9yOSNdNmXMmBMitFkOe75D-9_t05vzKg_aem_KfO87ftivYg7I7bOpF10rw
3 purebred Champagne d'argent bucks with pedigrees are ready to go. They were born May 5th and will soon be ready to breed. They are a great meat breed and are docile and friendly too. Don't miss out on these beauties!
Located just south of lindsay.
2024 4x5 round bales. Cut and baled with no rain. Good Alfalfa, Timothy content and some grass. Stored outside. Delivery available at extra cost. Send your address for a quote.
BUCKLING has been banded
Doeling -not available
Twins, 1 boy and 1 girl born Nov 19/24. Ready to go to new home!
Boy is cream/tan coloured and horned.
Located in Grimsby,
Asking $300
Message for pricing, price is determined based on number of animals, location, etc
Typically I only shear in the Niagara North/South, Hamilton/Wentworth, Haldimand, Brantford, Guelph, Norfolk areas, but I will travel further. Message me here or text, is preferred please, as I may not always be able to answer my phone.
Hatching eggs from BYM $15/ dozen have a 90% hatch rate with an incubator.
***Since there's been some confusion there is a chance you will get a purebred Maran or Wyandotte but they are all kept together at this time therefore they are sold as a backyard mix and there is no guarantees on the breed you will receive***
The roosters are Maran, Brahma, Appenzeller Spitzhauben, and gold laced Wyandotte.
The hens currently are Easter eggers, Olive eggers, Marans, leghorn, blue azure, silverrudd isbar, emerald olive, black sex link, blue and silver laced Wyandottes, rhodebar, Rhode Island red, starlight green egger, Columbian rock and barred rock.
If interested please message me with how many you would like and we can setup a day/time for pickup.
(Not For Eating)
A young D'uccle rooster around 4 months old. He's from a show worthy line but just have too many roosters
Would like for him to go to a good home
Asking $20 obo
Near Fergus. On
we have does and buck as prooven breeding stock
in the pictures are females ready to breed april 8 2024
they are flemmish mix and new zealander and california mix
we also have cages water bottles and feeders in good condition
the cages start at 40 for single 80 for double and 100 for tripple
we are selling our breeding stock California, New Zealander and flemish giats mix Rabbits, does and bucks also rabbit cages in very good condition, including feeders and bottles, also breeding boxes
also 12 week old rabbits males and females
40,-- each
cages according to size, single, double, tripple ..... starting at 40 single 80 double and 100 tripple
9 week old bunnies 2 male, 2 female. Fun colours! Dad is an English Lop, mom is a New Zealand mix
2 mature rams available. Registered. Please pm
... free chemical free chicken or hog feed
... veggies, apples, organic fruit peels, freezer burnt; fish, beef and pork
... yes, am in TBAY
... 306*594*4770
I have some full blood but mostly full South African fleckveih semen store in my personal farm tank. Please contact for prices
5 smithbilt molson (stored in Alta)
20 bar 5 piona
20 rpf polled right time
10 bar 5 gong
2 bar 5 paymaster (not full fleck)
10 harkaway enforcer (Full Bloof
10 DFM 6106f (full Blood)
10 or 9 of bar 5 Houdini
10 bar 5 essential
9 bar 5 kalgary
8 bar 5 eltorro
BHR/ICC Igolstadt 169Z (stored at east gen)
Location for farm stored is just outside thornbury Ontario
Can send photos of most of the bulls
16' x 4' 1.25" diamond tube gate solid ($175)
13' x 53" 1.5" square frame gate with cattle panel welded on (some damage near top} ($125)
8' x4' 1'' 7 bar square tube gate good $100 SOLD
47" x 53" high homemade gate from pipes heavy and solid $50
3 year old unregistered kune boar (from registered stock). Approx 300 lbs. Unsure if proven, sows run with both of our boars. $300.
One 3 year old ram for sale 500.00
Reason for selling is he has bred all my females and also kept some of his females from last year
Easter eggers. Picked fresh multiple times a day ready for hatching ( Uxbridge area) per dozen
Nice healthy plants, over 2 feet tall. A bunch of five strands for $10. Please message if interested. Thanks
When buying alpacas there are a few important things to keep in mind.
1) Alpacas are herd animals, you must have at least three of the same sex, four is better. They are not meant to be companions to other livestock. They are not pets.
2) Male alpacas should not be kept in the same pasture as females. Males will often try to continually breed the female which can result in uterine infections and stress.
3) You should never have just one alpaca.
4) Crias (baby alpacas) should not be sold without their mother before the age of 6 months, they should be sold with another alpaca they know. Young males should not be put in with older males until they are mature and physically large enough to defend themselves.
5) Alpacas are not guard animals, llamas are guard animals
6) Alpacas must be sheared every spring, nails trimmed as needed.
It is important to buy from a reputable breeder, someone who has been in the business a while and has taken the time to learn as much as possible about alpacas. We are glad to have you come visit to discuss alpacas before you buy.
If you would like to learn more about raising alpacas contact us today to arrange a farm visit.
Carolyn & Doug Lilleyman
Kickin' Back Alpaca Ranch
Markdale, Ontario
Check us out on facebook www.facebook.com/KickinBackAlpacaRanch
5 X 5 round bales of hay weighing approximately 1000 lbs each. Mainly grass hay with very little alfalfa. First and second cut available. Stored inside. Call Jason at (519) 380-5599 to arrange a pick up time. Located between Chatham and Tilbury