Buy and sell, Sporting goods, exercise, Fishing, Camping & Outdoors with in Canada, Ontario, Peterborough, Peterborough.
Freedom Canoe and Kayak
4 Cedar Grove Drive (10 mins east of Port Perry)
289-200-4737 Janice/Mike
text. call. email. come by our store. Open all year around 6 days per week.
We guarantee to have the lowest price!
Pelican Red Utility Sleds all on Clearance:
Trek 94 (pelicans largest sled) with Hitch, Runners, Cover $529.99 (Reg. $649.99)
Trek 82 with Hitch, Runners Cover $449.99 (Reg. $599.99)
Trek 75 with Hitch, Runners, Cover $439.99 (Reg. $499.99)
Trek 68 with Hitch, Runners, Cover $379.99 (Reg.$439.99)
Black Utility Sleds on Clearance:
Trek 75 with Hitch, Runners, Cover $349.99 (Reg. $449.99)
Trek 60 with Hitch, Runners, Cover $269.99 (Reg. $299.99)
Trek 60 with Pull Rope Only $89.99 (Reg. $129.99)
Trek 60 with Pull Rope and Runners $139.99 (Reg. $159)
Trek 75 with Runners Only $249.99 (Reg. $279)
Trek 60 with Runners and Hitch only $189.99
Trek 45-$59.99 ( Reg. 69.99)
Nomad 40 $45.99 (Reg. $52.99)
MegaGlider $42.99 (Reg. $49.99)
We also carry all accessories and Replacement parts for Pelican Sleds including Tow Bars, Covers, Runner Kits.
Freedom Canoe and Kayak in Caesarea(10 mins east of Port Perry)
4 Cedar Grove Drive, Caesarea
289-200-4737 Mike and Janice
Fall/Winter Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10-6pm, Sunday 10-4pm Monday Closed.
We have the complete 2023 Pelican sled lineup INSTOCK. All our sleds are guaranteed best price! We can preassemble no charge upon request!
**Call for in-house specials and cash deals for last years models and/or blemished models too**
-Trek 45 (black) multi-purpose utility Sled with
Pull rope $52 plus hst (reg. $64.99)
-Nomad 40 (black) $42 plus hst (reg. $49.99)
-Trek 60 (black) with pull rope and runners $90 plus hst (reg. 99)
Optional Hitch and covers for this model can be purchased separately.
-Trek 68 (red) with Runners, Hitch and Cover for $259 plus hst (reg. $399)
-Trek 75 (black) with Runners only $199 plus hst
-Trek 75 (black) with hitch, runners, cover $299 plus hst sale
-Trek Sport 75 (red) with hitch, runners, cover $399 (sale) plus hst sale
-Trek Sport 82 (red) with hitch, runners, cover $419 plus hst sale
-Trek Sport 94 (red) with hitch, runners, cover $479 plus hst. Sale. This is the largest sled Pelican makes.
We are a family Owned business and open 6 days per week!
Multi-Purpose Sleds! These all-season sleds are ideal for winter camping or a hunting or fishing excursion or just fun in the snow! It can resist the toughest conditions, so there's nothing to challenge your sled.
Brand new and full warranty!