Intentional Community
A Call to New Earth
"Connecting Consciousness"
Greetings My Friends of the Golden Way. If you are community bound, living fully in 5D, fully awake, aware, and activated, and fully committed to the spiritual, service-to-others life, Taralend, an Intentional Community in its infancy stage is looking for aware people to come see, stay and help build a new community. Specifically, founding members with experience in applicable areas and the vision, inspiration, and will to wayshow others in the foundation-building, co-creation, and manifestation of conscious 5D, New Earth community are called here.
We are located on 176 gorgeous, pristine, forested acres with granite cliffs and sweeps, portals and ley lines, springs, streams, river, lake, and wetlands, infinite variety, and unlimited potential for creative, inspired new age living. There is magic everywhere here, and the elementals are but a thin veil away.
As founder and First Wave elder ascending starseed, I have been here for 4 years, off-grid, in yurt heaven, stewarding the beautiful land and the souls of our forest bright, spreading and anchoring light in this northern place of harsh realities and much trauma, working with ley lines, and dancing with our resident interdimensional and anciently wise Saquatch elders (called Sabe by our Anishnabe brothers and sisters).
The time of tearing down and dismantling, purging and purifying of the dark constructs, energies and forces draws to completion. Soon the time of rebuilding and 5D co-creation will be upon us. For that time our preparations now begin.
For further information, or to make contact please email Lumeri at taralendnovagaia@gmail.com, or Craig at craigniziolek@gmail.com
I wish you peace!
Lumeri ♡
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