Services, Fitness, personal trainer with in Canada, Ontario, Peterborough, Peterborough.
We offer:
~24/7 memberships
~Group fitness classes
~Private personal training
We Make Martial Arts Fun!
Our Program Is For Parents Like YOU, Who Want The VERY BEST For YOUR CHILDREN!
Safety & Individual Attention Is What Separates Us From Other Schools!
We give private instruction on an ON-GOING BASES!
You Can Learn Jiu Jitsu With Your Child At
At Grills Jiu Jitsu YOUR CHILDREN COME FIRST! They are NOT in the back row somewhere in a group!
At Grills’ Jiu Jitsu We Have:
NO CONTRACTS! Why sign a contract and pay for lessons you may not be able to attend when your child can train without one!
NO BELT TESTING FEES! Belt testing fees can cost as much as the lessons! At Grills Jiu Jitsu Belt testing takes place during your private lesson when your child is ready.
NO DOWNPAYMENTS EVER! Many schools require down payments. We DO NOT!
With private instruction your child can learn 7-17 times faster than group lessons!
CALL NOW! For your child’s
You can email any questions to
EMAIL: grillsjiujitsu@nexicom.net404 Parkhill Road West
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
If you would like to visit our website go to
Jiu Jitsu: The Good and The Bad...
For parents, the idea of allowing their children to study martial arts can be a tough decision to make.
Watching movies over the years, and the fights on TV, martial arts can seem like a violent past time. So let's set the record straight...
Jiu Jitsu is about AVOIDING conflict.
It's about developing the mental toughness to walk away from a fight. It's about having the confidence to know that fighting back is to be used as a last resort.
It's about learning self-discipline...
And that carries over to all aspects of a child's life.
The focus that children learn in training carries over to the classroom.
Jiu Jitsu can teach you to respect your peers as well as your elders. It teaches children that with enough hard work they can accomplish anything. It instills positive values that will last a lifetime.
I know this for two reasons...
1. Jiu Jitsu has had a profound impact on my own life, I carry lessons with me today that I took away from Jiu Jitsu as a child.
2. Jiu Jitsu has changed lives on a daily basis. Many children of all ages, and the lessons they learn here carry over to all aspects of life.
There's an easy way to find out if it's the right solution for you and your child...
And that's to do a Trial Lesson. Simply take your child to a free lesson, see how we do things here, and make a decision if it's the right thing to do for you and your child.
Simply call {705-876-8431 if you get a machine please leave a message we will get back to you) and ask for Tanya, and we'll get your Trial Lesson scheduled right away.
We'll be happy to answer all of your questions, and there will be no pressure to join. It's simply an opportunity to see if our studio is a good fit for you and your child.
A Childs Best Bully Defense...
Here's a scary situation many children will have to deal with when growing up...
A bully corners them and threats or even attempts physical violence.
It's scary, because kids don't have a lot of options...
They could tell a teacher... The bully may get scolded, but he'll be back to scare his victim, and the child that told the teacher will forever be labeled a "tattle tale"...
The child could tell their parents... But it's usually AFTER the incident, and as parents we can't be around our children 24 hours a day to protect them.
The child could turn to another adult... And who knows what kind of advice they'll get, it could be "you have to stand up for yourself", encouraging conflict.
So what's the answer?
To understand it, you first need to understand how a bully thinks.
Bullies are predatory. They don't go looking for a fair fight. They pick on the kids who let them get away with it. They're looking for easy targets.
The best way to defend against a bully is to simply not be an easy target.
Grills Jiu Jitsu gives children the confidence to know they can defend themselves, and the discipline to know that fighting should ONLY be used as a last resort...
Confidence is a funny thing though. Once children have it, they walk with their heads a little higher, and people can tell they're confident in themselves...
Bullies can tell too. And the last thing a bully wants to do is to pick on a victim who's capable of defending themselves, or even worse, making the bully look like the loser.
This allows a child to completely disarm a bully without so much as raising a hand or even speaking a word.
Stopping a bully is only one of thousands of positive changes that martial arts can bring into a child's life. To see some of these changes first hand, I'm inviting you to take a free lesson on the house.
Even if you decide it's not right for your child, it's a positive experience, and there's no pressure or obligation to stay.
To get started, simply call {705-876-8431 if you get a machine please leave a message & Tanya will get back to you} or visit {www.Grillsjiujitsu.com} and we'll answer all of your questions and set you up with a free lesson.
P.S. We can only afford a limited amount of free lessons every year. To make sure you grab a spot while they last, give us a call at {705-876-8431} at your earliest convenience.
Lessons Kids Don't Learn in School...
Everyday parents send kids off to school to prepare them for life as an adult.
But, there are some VERY important life lessons that simply can't be taught in the classroom. For example...
Focus and concentration... Just because you tell a child to sit down and "focus" doesn't mean they can do it. Schools are noisy and full of distractions making it tough for anyone, much less a child, to sit down and actually focus.
So how can you teach focus and concentration? I personally don't know of a better way than Jiu Jitsu.
When a student is learning a new technique or training for their next belt, there's a level of intensity and focus in their eyes that I've never seen elsewhere.
And when they make a breakthrough and achieve a new goal, the confidence and self-discipline that instills is something I firmly believe can't be taught in a classroom setting.
Grills Jiu Jitsu private lessons is a completely different approach to learning...
And although it's physical and challenging, students learn much more from Jiu Jitsu than how to simply defend themselves...
They learn that if they work hard enough they can accomplish anything...
They learn that with enough self-discipline and focus that seemingly impossible goals can be conquered with relative ease...
They learn how to persevere when life becomes challenging. They learn that they're capable of so much more than they originally thought...
All VERY important life lessons. All very difficult to teach in a classroom.
If you want to see the critical life lessons Jiu Jitsu can teach your child first hand, simply give us a call at {705-876-8431 please leave a message and Tanya will get back to you).
We're happy to answer your questions, and there's no pressure or obligation to join, it's simply a great way to see if Grills Jiu Jitsu is a good fit for you and your child.
Is Your Child A "Go Getter"?
I'd like to talk about some of the most critical character traits in life...
Those who learn to value these at a young age go on to accomplish amazing things.
And those who don't lead lives of mediocrity.
I'm talking about the seemingly intangible character traits that REALLY matter in life, things like...
Those with ambition are driven to accomplish great things. Those who are ambitious learn to take advantage of all of the opportunities life offers.
Those who are disciplined are willing to make the right choices instead of the easy ones. They know that anything worth doing will require hard work.
People with self-confidence know that they're capable of great things. They aren't afraid to face challenges head on. They believe in themselves and trust themselves to succeed no matter what obstacles are in the way.
These are all character traits of a healthy and successful person. All are vital to our well-being.
But we are not born with them.
And as important as they are, we have few opportunities in life to learn them.
This is stuff you can only learn through life experience...
Ambition comes after you've seen the good things that can come from hard work.
Self-discipline comes after you've seen that "doing the right thing" can pay off.
And confidence comes from overcoming challenges and knowing that you're capable of facing more challenges in the future.
There is no better arena to learn this stuff than in private Jiu Jitsu lessons.
But don't take my word for it.
Bring your child in for a free lesson. It'll give you the opportunity to ask questions, and your child an opportunity to have an amazing experience.
Simply give us a call at {705-876-8431 if you get a machine please leave a message Tanya will get back to you} and we'll get you taken care of.
XBOX And Greasy Foods Threaten Children's Health...
I know that subject line is probably a bit of a shock, but hear me out for a second, because it's absolutely true. Western civilization has a big problem.
Somewhere along the way it became "okay" to live off of greasy burgers and sugary corn syrup.
Somewhere along the way it became socially acceptable to sit around all day and get zero exercise.
We're starting to see the consequences... Obesity and heart problems are at all-time highs.
But the really scary part is, we still don't know e