Pets, Fish for rehoming with in Canada, Ontario, Belleville, Trenton.
$5 for giant piece almost 3ft or 5-7 pieces to plant (about 6"-8") pieces
Minimum purchase of $20 can be combined with other items.
Check my fish, plants and shrimp ads. Thank you.
Pick up only its FREE
Amazing gold fish treat!!
I was told it also helps with goldfish digestion. This stuff is always here I have 10 tanks and 2 buckets full please come get some!!
Bring a bucket and come get it!!!
Literally have enough to cover two 50 gallons. Would love to see someone benefit from it as I'm constantly tossing it. I'll keep this add up as it literally floods my tanks constantly lol.
Message to arrange time.
75 gal Fish tank comes with canister, fish, and everything I the photo.
Need gone ASAP
Nothing wrong with the tank everything is in good condition just getting rid of it need the space it will be the tank n the stand with about 15 convict chiclids 20 inch piece n another 3 inch pleco
100$. Message for more details.
$100 48 long x 24 height x 18 deep. Downsizing 90 g tank, black stacked rock background and plant light..can throw in a aquaclear 70 HOB filter too. Holds water, glass has some scratches.
Located between Campbellford and Stirling. Can not deliver the tank as truck is out of commission.
Approaching 2 months old, these little Axos are growing fast and looking for their forever homes.. Roughly around 1.5 inch/2 inches
Back legs are developing nicely and no one in the group has had any nips or injuries.. GFP glow is strong in about 80% of them
Have moved from live micro food to easier options (Frozen Blood Worms, Pellets, Red Wigglers, Baby Nightcrawlers)
Mom - Spotted GFP Wild type, 3y/o
Dad - Albino, 4y/o
I've seen all their Grandparents (unrelated)
Pickup only, No delivery
Cash Only
Purebred Red Scarlett Endlers.
1 male, 2 females $20.00
Group Deal:
2 males, 6 females $40.00
Hi there,
Our fish are needing a rehome. They are all in a 10 gallon tank but are way too large
To be housed in here and we don’t have the room for a bigger tank set up at the moment.
Looking to get these guys a new home :)
Price is for them all. Pickuo is in Bancroft,ON (in town)
2 large fancy tail goldfish,1 medium.
1 Cory catfish
1 neon tetra
1kuhli loach (dark brown, about 1 inch hard to get a pic he likes to huge and is fast!)
2 little red w/ black fish I think some sort of tetras
All healthy,from big als shop, my 6 year old son has been taking care of them for a year now :)
$5 for giant piece or 5 6"+ pieces
Minimum purchase of $20 can be combined with other items.
Check my fish, plants and shrimp ads. Thank you.
Aquarium plant bundles!
•Anubias x 1
•Java Moss- zip lock bag full
•Java Fern x 1
•Ludwigia Repens x 2
•Dwarf Sag x 2
•Duckweed portion (50 pieces)
$20 package deal
•Cryptocoryne undulata x 1
•Anubias Nana sp x 1
•Java Moss- zip lock bag full
•Java fern x 1
•Dwarf Sag x 3
•Ludwigia repens x 3
•Duckweed portion x 2 (100 pieces)
$30 package deal
•Limnophilia sessiflora 2 pcs
•Green Pink Rotala 5 pcs
•Taiwan Lily
•Anubias x 1
•Java Moss- zip lock bag full
•Java Fern x 1
•Ludwigia Repens x 2
•Dwarf Sag x 2
•Duckweed portion × 2 (100 pieces)
$40 package deal
Pick up only its FREE
Amazing gold fish treat!!
I was told it also helps with goldfish digestion. This stuff is always here I have 10 tanks and 2 buckets full please come get some!!
Bring a bucket and come get it!!!
Literally have enough to cover two 50 gallons. Would love to see someone benefit from it as I'm constantly tossing it. I'll keep this add up as it literally floods my tanks constantly lol.
Message to arrange time.
Many options available!
Please check all the pictures for lists and pricing.
Can do bundle deals! My plants are VERY healthy you will be happy :)
Much cheaper than any store and something you and your fish can enjoy!
Juvenile Brown Bristlenose. Approx 1.25 - 1.5". $8 each. Too small to sex. Pickup near Campbellford hospital.
You get all the plants for 15.00
They are all adults. $4 each
I also have many aquatic plants and male platies for sale too.
Please schedule pick up. I don't do same day pick ups or tomorrow. I usually need a few days as I am quite busy myself. Thanks for understanding.
Minimum $20 order of combined items.
Small fish tank comes with filter, built in light, gravel, live plants, one male guppy and two young female guppies, some snails. Chemicals/plant food and some fish food. Pickup in Trenton. $40 OBO
$5 for a handful/zip lock full
Limit of $20 purchase can be added with other items I have for sale
Comes with community fish, plants, gravel, heater bubble filter.
Must pick up as soon as possible.
If in 2 weeks from this listings post date the fish are not rehomed, they will have to be destroyed
I give free Labidochromis yellow very good shape i have 4 for sold 3-4inch the reason i sold i change my setup my male and female make baby couple time
Will need at lease 4 strong people to help move it, the glass itself is over 500 pounds.
Selling everything for the 250 gal.
Comes with a ton of African cichlids, full sized clown loaches, plecos, and floating plants.
Comes with gravel that you see
Comes with fluval fx6
Comes with many bubble filters and wave makers.
If at least fish are not rehomed in 2 weeks, they will have to be destroyed.
Juvenile Brown Bristlenose. Approx 1.25 - 1.5". $8 each. Too small to sex. Pickup near Campbellford hospital.
3 peacock bass
2 red tail cat fish
1 tarpon
Willing to talk about pice when someone has the right home for them! They are now all in a 1500 gallon pond. I will try to get better pictures.
You get all the plants for 15.00
Have 2 clowns
Have 2 shrimp
A boat load of macro algae and live rock
Sand, heater, filter, bubbler, extra bucket of marine salt, and any food I have for saltwater fish.
Current USA Satellite + PRO LED light for planted tanks. I no longer have planted tanks on my aquarium. Works great. Comes with remote as well to program light settings and 24hr timer. Light is 48” long and will extend to 60”.
Asking $85
Female betta a little over two years old, she’s just in a tank I’m taking down I don’t have space for it anymore sadly
Assorted peacock cichlids. Price is for each or make on offer on purchasing a large quantity.
**larger orange peacock not for sale**