Pets, Reptiles & amphibians for rehoming with in Canada, Quebec, Montreal, West Island.
Bébés varans disponible à la boutique Monarch Reptiles https://www.facebook.com/monarchreptiles/
Adorables petits varans.
Très actif et curieux.
800$ chaques / each
100 rue Kepler, # 14, Châteauguay, j6k5e4
** SOLD OUT** Please send me a message if you would like to be added to the 2022 notification list.
CBC2021 Black breasted leaf turtles (Geomyda spengleri). Expecting ONLY 2 to hatch in October this year.
1500$ each + tax
Please message me for more information or to reserve one.
CBC Turtles and Tortoises
Turtles are tortoises that are captive bred IN CANADA!
Instagram @captivebredturtles
Come chat with me on Facebook Messenger at: The Turtle Lady
**Je parle francais, n'hésiter pas à m'écrire si vous avez des questions. Je suis de Châteauguay!**
Boa imperator
Leopard 66% het albino kahl
Eat large rat (Frozen thaw) every 3-4 weeks
Around 5' long
Weight around 2.7 kg / 6lbs
Darker coloration when in shed or close
Have a very nice temperament out of his enclosure like you see on the pictures. He love to chill on you shoulders, but will surely go explore if he see the opportunity.
In the enclosure, he's on feeding mode, but can easily be manageable by booping the nose with a hook or blocking his face with something. I usually take him out by hand. Just make sure you don't defrost rodent at the time of the handling !
For the enclosure size needed, I would say he's ready to be in a bigger enclosure than 4x2x2. He's the type to explore and use his entire enclosure during the night.
Reason of the sell is he unfortunately doesn't fit with my future project and don't have any female for him.
650$ **whitout the enclosure**
Can deliver him with an extra for the gaz, but will not deliver if it's too far. I'm from Châteauguay.
Kit Aquarium 10 gallons avec axolotl adulte femelle leucistique de 2 ans de environ 20cm,la lumière de fonctionne pas,tout le reste est en super bonne état!Si jamais vous avez pas besoin de l’aquarium et vous voulez uniquement l’axolotl,je pourrait vous le vendre pour 60$!
Vaste choix de bois de liège, grape vine, Mopani et autres produits naturels disponible à la boutique Monarch Reptiles https://www.facebook.com/monarchreptiles/
ICI POUR VOIR NOS PRODUITS -> https://www.monarchreptiles.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=444
Beaucoup plus de choix en magasin !
Aussi plusieurs type de background en cork.
100 kepler, #14 chateauguay j6k5e4
Selling my yellow uromastyx.
Sex and age unknown.
Je vends mon uromastyx jaune.
Sexe et âge inconnus.
Only one CBC2023 baby left!
Emydure a ventre rouge. Nées au Canada.
Bébées nées 2023 300$ + txCette espèce vis très bien avec des poissons communautaires.
Pink bellied sideneck turtles. Born in Canada
2023 babies 300$This species lives very well in community fish tanks.
JulieCBC Turtles and Tortoises
Turtles and Tortoises that are CAPTIVE BRED in CANADA!
Come chat with me on Facebook Messenger at 'The Turtle Lady'
Instagram @captivebredturtles
variété de gecko disponible à la boutique Monarch Reptiles https://www.facebook.com/monarchreptiles/
149.99$ CHACUN
+ Beaucoup de choix en magasin, nos animaux ne sont pas tous à jour sur le site. Veuillez nous contactez via la page Facebook, nous appelez en magasin ou passez directement les voir sur place.
100 rue Kepler, # 14, Châteauguay, j6k5e4
**Je parle français, n'hésitez pas à venir m'écrire pour des questions ! Je suis de Châteauguay**
Cave dwelling rat snake female
I got her has a baby in 2021
**She's going into shed soon on the pictures**
She just started to eat small adult mice every week. Very good eater and eat also when in shed.
For the handling, I don't really handle my snakes that much, but she can tolerate it for a small amount of time with no fast movement. With work, I'm pretty sure she will be good with handling in thr future.
I'm selling her mostly because I'm down sizing and don't have any project with her.
Asking 550$
I'm from Châteauguay
Can deliver with an extra depending on where you are