My service dog & I need a ride from Winnipeg to owensound Ontario I will be in Winnipeg saterday around dinner time
I'm trying to get home to my family as I have been diagnosed with cancer and I want to get home to my family before it's too late I do not get paid till the first of the month but am willing to Sine a contract also you will have my phone number address and picture plz DO NOT RESPOND TO MY ADD IS YOU ARE LOOKING TO GIVE A RIDE IN EXCHANGE FOR OTHER SERVICES IAM NOT AND I MEAN NOT A WORKING GIRL !!!! MY DOG IS VERY WELL BEHAVED AND VERY FRIENDLY I HAVE BEEN THREW HELL AND BACK AS IAM JUST LEAVING A VERY ABUSIVE RELASHIOSHIP PLZ IF YOU CAN HELP US IM IN DESPERATE NEED TO GO HOME I ALSO HAVE REFERENCE TO VOUCH THAT IAM GOOD FOR THE MONEY

- Ad Type: Wanted
community | rideshare