Pets with in Canada, New Brunswick, New Brunswick.
We have a litter of Dalmatian looking for new home.
4 femals , 3 males
We have 3 beautiful American bully puppies in search for their forever homes
2 male and 1 female
they are ready to go
litter trained And dewormed
Parents are on site
you can contact us by our email
or can contact through our Facebook page as well
Mountain X Bullies
PEL# 01186
located in New Brunswick
We have 3 adorable boston pups who will be ready for their new families on Nov. 27th 2023.
1 female and 2 males
Each pup will have had a complet vet check up, first set of vaccines, dewormed twice and treated in prevention against fleas and ticks.
We require 200$ deposit for reservation and the balance is to be paid upon delivery/ Pick-up.
Puppies ready Sept 16th. Will be vaccinated, dewormed, and will
have health certificate from Vet. Message for availability
These sweet little pups will make excellent pets, or with the right training great LGD's for a farm or homestead.
They are very intelligent and train easily. They're are also used to being around young children.
They have been vet checked, have been dewormed and have their first set of needles.
The father is Bernese Mountain Dog/German Shepard and the mother is Border Collie. Both the mother and father are great with kids and are very protective and loving. Both are also very well behaved and very intelligent, this combination makes the puppies very easy to train.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to come see the pups of if you have any questions.
M&S Kennels
SPCA# 1270
Ready To Go Today
Two American Bully puppies left
vet checked
first shots
dewormed x3
parents on site
9 weeks old
delivery can be arranged
Please contact me for more information 226-988-3240
We have 6 males and 3 female puppies for sale. Vet checked, dewormed, First shots and NBSPCA registered. Born April 13. Parents on site. Located in Millville, NB.
Adorable Labrador Retriever puppies available and ready to go. All Puppies will come Vaccinated Microchipped Vet checked Wormed Regularly Puppy pack Information book Both parents are DNA tested, good breathing and nares. Puppies will be raised indoor in a family environment; professional photos are provided to new family members of their babies regularly. We have the following little guys available for Loving home Please text 860-932-2116 for more information and pics
We are expecting puppies first week of December. All puppies will have their first vaccine, de-worming and health check. They will also have 30 days medical insurance. Contact me to reserve your family member
2 gold male and 1 black male.
Vet checked ...1st needles and dewormed 3 times.
Parents are on site.
These boys are raised in our home with children and pets.
Available August 14th
We are only looking for permanent loving homes for our gorgeous puppies. If you feel you can offer one of our puppies the home they deserve, please contact us for more information. Please contact us on the number found on the photos for more details and pics of the puppies.
I have 2 of those cute little salamanders that need a new home quickly. I don’t know what they are called and don’t know how to take care of them. One is black the other is white. If interested please let me know. We are in Grand Falls New Brunswick.
Beautiful tamed, hand reared citron crested cockatoo,1 year old boy...Dna tested. spend a lot of time out of cage and absolutely loves human touch and is a very cuddly parrot, will sit on you & let you stroke. His still very young so you can train him to do tricks. Very good with kids. His diet is great, on pellets and Veg/fruits. Gets seeds as treats. He also loves spending time in his cage so getting him in is easy. Only serious buyers. For more detailed info, video & pictures
Fawn pug puppy. Female. 8 weeks old ready for her forever home. Has first vaccines and vet check.
I’m located in Hartland New Brunswick
looking for a project halter broke that’s it
1000 or under text me at +1 (506) 991-1017
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