Pets, Fish for rehoming with in Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay.
Aquartic water lettuce. Is a floating plant for your aquarium. Grows well in a heated aquarium with lighting. Multiplies quickly and is low maintenance. Grows roots that are great for fish to hid and breed in. $10.00 for a hearty handful.
Located in Terrace bay.
Dwarf Sagittaria - Sagittaria Subulata
• Care Level: easy
• Placement: foreground - midground
• Water Conditions: 6.5 - 7.5 pH, soft to medium hard
• Temperature: 72 - 82 F (22 - 28 C)
• Lighting: medium - high
• Fertilizer: root tabs or liquid fertilizer
• Propagation: spread by runners across the ground
We can not guarentee our plants will be snail free.
$7 for 4-5 stems a portion.
Debit/credit, Etransfer or cash accepted.
No refunds/returns.
Tax included at checkout.
We can deliver for an additional $10 fee within city limits.
☆Etransfer for total order including delivery fee, is required before we deliver.
☆You will need a minimum $40 order to qualify for delivery (not including delivering fee and tax).
Water Lettuce - Pistia Statiotes
• Care Level: easy
• Placement: floating
• Water Conditions: 6.5 - 7.2 pH
• Temperature: 66- 80 F (19 - 27C)
• Lighting: medium - high
• Fertilizer: liquid fertilizer
• Propagation: from the stalks, it can also branch
We can not guarentee our plants will be snail free.
7 + tax ( 8oz deli container worth)
No duckweed
Water lettuce is an easy freshwater plant that floats on the top of the water surface. Water lettuce helps provide shade for small tank mates, like baby shrimp or fry. It absorbs ammonia and nitrates in the water to help keep parameters at a safe level for your fish. Our water lettuce is C02 injected (C02 is not required to maintain the plant). When in the best conditions, the lettuce can grow big and reproduce quickly.
Debit/credit, Etransfer or cash is accepted.
No returns/refunds.
Tax included at checkout.
We can deliver for an additional $10 fee within city limits.
☆Etransfer for total order including delivery fee, is required before we deliver.
☆You will need a minimum $40 order to qualify for delivery (not including delivering fee and tax).
Hey guys, It's JimmyJam the AquaticPlantsMan (APM). I have been aquascaping for over 25 years now and love the grow and share my plants/ shrimp / and fish with my community.
Recently I have put up a website to help keep track of the stock.Go to *** AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM *** for all prices, shipping details and checkout.
I ship every Monday via Canada post, OR FedEx for Shrimps during the warm months. Cut off for shipments is 6pm every Sunday, for Monday ship. Pickup is at our house in Markham monday to thurs after 6pm or sat before 11am or after 6pm. Shipping costs are calculated at check out. Pickup info will be asked for after checkout to confirm, usually, we need 24 hours to prep the package.
Just a hobbyist, so NO TAX, but I only take orders from the website just to keep my stock in check =)Here is some of my stock, but go to AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM for the latest stock/prices'/ sales.
Shrimp and fish
Blue Dream high quality breed true blue dreams
Nice video of them https://www.facebook.com/aquaticplantman/videos/429973290767822/?t=51
Crystal red shrimps
Bloody mary shrimp
Green jade shrimp and culls
Golden Shrimps
Black and Red Pinto Shrimps
Pure bred endler guppyPlants list
MOSS and Rhizome
subwassertang golf ball size
Taiwan moss (taxiphylum alternans) golf ball size
Java moss: closed fist size
Peacock moss (Taxiphyllum sp): golf ball size
Spiky Moss (Taxiphyllum sp.) golf ball size
Christmas Moss (Vesicularia montagnei) Golf ball size
Buce moss quarter size
Mini string moss Quarter size
Fissidans Fontanus Phoenix moss: golf ball size
Round pellia : golf ball size
Floating fern “Salvinia Minima” : hand full
Jade moss (Rare) Toonie size
Hanegoke sp. Cameroon moss: for golf ball size
Creeping String Moss: toonie ball size
flame moss for toonie size
willow moss (Fontinalis antipyretica) golf balls sizePhillipine fern 5-8 leaf portion
Anubias Barteri 5-7 leaf portion
Trident Fern 5-7 leaf portion
Anubias nana 5-7 leaf
Anubias Nana petite 5-7 leaf portion
Anubias Barteri 5-7 leaf portion
Anubias sp Pinto 5 leaf portion
Riccia Fluitans (golf ballBucephalandra list
lots more on the website FYI
Dark biblis8 leaf portion
bucephalandra sunset angel / 8 leaf portion
Bucephalandra Sp. lamaudu red/ 8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra sp super black /8+ leaf portion
bucephalandra blue Wavy 8+ leaf portion
bucephalandra Ulysses /8+ leaf Aportion
bucephalandra Black Rosa8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra sp black velvet for 8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra sp narcissus for 8+ leaf portion
bucephalandra sp. mini Feng /8 leaf portion (rare)
bucephalandra Red catherine /8+leaf portion
Bucephalandra Blue Velvet /8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra Sp. Thea red/ 8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra Mini /8+ leaf portion
Titan 2 /5+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra Blue Mahap /5+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra Kedagang Red Godzilla for 8 leaf portionBackground plants:
pogostemon stellatus 4 stems
Shinnersia Rivularis 4 stems
Pogostamon gayi(8+ stems)
Rotala Sp Colorata 8 stems
Rotala Vietnam H'ra ( 8 stems
alternanthera reineckii 3 stems
Ludwigia red hybrid 3 stems for
Start grass "heteranthera zosterifolia" 6-8 stems for
Hygrophila Polysperma Rosanervig 3-5 stemsMidground plants:
Rotala mexicana 7-10 stems
Hemianthus microanthemoids(pearl weed or baby tears) (at least 7-10 stems)
Lindernia (5-7 stems )
Limnophila hippuridoides sp. Mini 3-5 stems
Limnophila Aromatica mini @aquaticplantman 3-5 stems for
Crypt tropica 3 stems
Crypt parva 2 mature stems
Crypt sp pink flamingo 1 mature stem
Crypt sp.pygmea 2 large stems
Crypt spiralis tiger
Start grass "heteranthera zosterifolia" 10 stems for
Bolbitis heudelotiForeground plants:
lots more on the website aquaticplantman.com
echinodorus parviflorus.
Hemianthus Callicorids cuba 5x5 cm square
Marsilea Cranatum 8 nodes
Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan 10 nodes
Helanthium Tenellum "Green" (5 stems for
Dwarf hair grass Eleocharis ParvulaGo to *** AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM *** for all prices, shipping details and checkout.
Feel free to join the community https://www.facebook.com/groups/AquaInspiration for support and questions.
Keep up to date with APM at facebook.com/aquaticplantman, insta @aquaticplantman
Sailfin pleco to a good home
My tank is no longer big enough for my pleco and in need a better home
Message for details
All accessories for aquariums. Heaters, pumps, filters and logs. Inquire for specific pricing.
free small Aquarium, includes everything you need, comes with 3 neon tetras, good lid and l.e.d light, 2 filters, very quiet pump, and plant, gravel and tunnel, call Rod - (807) 355-7524 anytime
Thank you for checking out our listing for our local family-owned business Tbay Invertebrates. We have been fish-keeping for 3 years. What simply started as a hobby, now snowballed into the family business we have now. We are always looking to improve our setup, and better ourselves on our knowledge and love for fish keeping!
This package includes a group of 10 red cherry shrimp of mixed grades. We can guarantee healthy, hardy, and active shrimp. These delightful invertebrates add a burst of colour to your aquarium. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, these shrimp are a wonderful addition.
We recommend putting shrimp in an already established fish tank (at least 6 months set up) as they eat 24/7. They feed off beneficial bacteria and biofilm that build as the tank runs, which means the longer the tank is set up, the more food available for the shrimp to eat. This is why we cannot guarantee a long life if they are put in a new tank. These shrimp love having lots of hiding spots, and places to crawl on. Providing them with live plants (java moss, jungle vallisneria, water lettuce) gives lots of cover for the shrimp to be comfortable with breeding, and protecting from other fish in the tank.
We provide a care sheet as well if needed. If you have any questions please let us know and we'll do our best to help.
Etransfer or cash accepted.
No refunds/returns.
Looking for Oscar’s, let me know what you have
Thank you for checking out our listing for our local family-owned business Tbay Invertebrates. We have been fish-keeping for 3 years. What simply started as a hobby, now snowballed into the family business we have now. We are always looking to improve our setup, and better ourselves on our knowledge and love for fish keeping!
This includes 1 red cherry shrimp of mixed grade(s). We can guarantee healthy, hardy, and active shrimp. These delightful invertebrates add a burst of colour to your aquarium. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, these shrimp are a wonderful addition.
We recommend putting shrimp in an already established fish tank (at least 6 months set up) as they eat 24/7. They feed off beneficial bacteria and biofilm that build as the tank runs, which means the longer the tank is set up, the more food available for the shrimp to eat. This is why we cannot guarantee a long life if they are put in a new tank. These shrimp love having lots of hiding spots, and places to crawl on. Providing them with live plants (java moss, jungle vallisneria, water lettuce) gives lots of cover for the shrimp to be comfortable with breeding, and protecting from other fish in the tank.
We provide a care sheet as well if needed. If you have any questions please let us know and we'll do our best to help.
Etransfer or cash accepted.
No refunds/returns.
OCTO Classic 100-HOB protein skimmer for sale in good shape. A must-have for saltwater aquariums. These are $390 new so $150 is reasonable.
Tanks from 5 to 40 gallons steel welded stands , live plants, fish and equipment. Call for details. All is negotiable. Some trades possible.
Ed 807-228-0583
Thank you for checking out our listing from Tbay Invertebrates, a small local buisness.
($5) 1 Bag = 3 plants, size of plants vary.
These beautiful grass plants bring lots of natural colour and hiding places to any fish tank. They are good plants for beginners and easy to take care of.
The jungle Vallisneria is planted in a low tech fish tank. They are from a tank that has flat ramhorn snails, shown in photo 3 so we cant guarentee no hitchhikers, but they can help with cleaning leftover fish food waste, and graze algae from rocks, plants, and glass.
The leaves can grow very thick and tall in the proper conditions (lighting, water pararmeter, fertilizer). We would recommend a 20 gallon plus as they can easily take over a tank if not maintained.
Etransfer or cash is accepted.
No returns/refunds.