Pets, Livestock with in Canada, Ontario, Renfrew County.
Simmental yearling with a packed pedigree!! Off of SVS Betts 808F and our foundation female Greyledge Amber 11D. Long necked and clean shoulder and with a birth weight of 87 lbs he his a bull that you can use on just about anything in the herd and expect performance. Included are pictures of two maternal females who have been kept in the herd. For further information please send an email.
3 year old Billy alpine cross with sanaan fairly quiet loves attention snd good with the female goat.dont want to sell but I can't let him breed 2 of my females do he is for sale.
Castrated male kunekune pigs. Parents are registered kunekune breeding stock. For growing or for pets. 4 to choose from but we are only selling 2 of then
Born September 2023
Kunekune pigs are docile super friendly gentle and very feed efficient heritage breed. the breeds temperament makes them wonderful for pets. They also produce some of the highest quality pork out there and eat less than most other breeds of hogs. They are a pasture pig breed which does very well feeding on grass and vegetable waste.
They also do a really good job of turning vegetable kitchen scraps into fresh garden fertilizer! Help reduce your house hold food waste!
Photos will be updated soon they're quite a bit bigger now. These guys have been over wintered on top quality feed (the expensive part of raising pasture pigs!) and would be ready for processing in fall. If you have access to small amounts of pasture or secure bush these guys can be raised up on very little feed and result in top quality, chemical free pork
This young fellow is a Vietnamese Hmong Rooster. He is healthy and has beautiful colouration. He does have one slightly curled toe from a hatching injury that is minor and not impeding him on any way. I am selling him at a price that is reduced in comparison to the going rate for this beautiful and rarer breed. He is approximately 20 weeks of age. Serious inquiries only. Sorry but I am unable to deliver so pick up only.
2022 first cut. Located in rankin.
I am selling a beautiful pair of svarthona roosters. They are healthy and quite docile and are always together. We enjoy them but we are in need of the space currently, so we are hoping they will go together to be with a new flock. There is nothing wrong with them, however, we chose not to breed them with svarthonas because they did not meet our standards for breeding. As such I am asking $85 for the pair, which is well below the breed’s current market value. Svarthonas make wonderful protectors for your flock.
Hello, and welcome to the M Family Farm.
We have some ready for the freezer pigs. All of our pigs are fed with fresh organics and dairy. Some baked goods from bakery partners.
We also have a new batch of Bacon Bits. :D
Our sows are Tamworth cross Berkshire. We are a Forest Raised Organic Pig Farm. We have ready for the freezer full size pigs, and pigglets at 8 weeks ready for your farm.
Call Carlos at 613 559 0536
Thank you for supporting a Veteran Run farm.
Round Bales of 4x5 dry hay for sale Excellent for horse,or cattle bedding
Also great garden mulch Next best thing to straw $20.00 per bale
Registered kunekune gilt available. From last year's litter, shes a year old and breed ready
Price reduced to 850! We have spring piglets on the way so this little lady needs to move on to her new home to make way for the next generation.
Excellent genetic and temperament. A total sweetheart with great long hair characteristics, shes on the petite end of size right now but lately seems to be putting on size a bit faster. Both parents on site.More photos of her from the summer available just ask!
AKKPS # 31692
COI: 5.23%
1 year old
Double waddled
Black and white hair color.
We currently also have 2 bore available for sale from different parents so we can do breeding. See my other adds if youre looking to get started with kunekunea. Discount on breeding pair!
Check out our website for more information and offerings www.clayhousefarms.com
Or find us on social media @ClayHouseFarms
PureBred America Blackbelly Sheep Forsale
We are proud Breeders or American Blackbelly Sheep and registered breeders with the BBSAI. Our farm is located between Beachburg and Westmeath Ontario.
Our sheep are grass fed all summer and fed Quality hay in the winter. If you enjoy high quality delicious Organic meat then this is the Breed for you.
We are almost Completely sold out of stock. One Ram left. We currently have available One Ram. He is suitable for Breeding Stock or for the freezer. We can make available one ewe if you want a Breeding pair. We are asking $500 obo For the Ram which is below market Value. We will have new lambs in the spring available if you wish to be added to our mailing list you will be notified of upcoming sales.
Txt Lisa at 613-298-6801
E-mail windylookoutfarm@gmail.com
Or reply through this add
We are not licensed for killing/cutting and wrapping.
Breed information
The American Blackbelly sheep is a hair sheep, originally developed by crossbreeding programs involving primarily Mouflon and Barbados Blackbelly. Resulting hybrids produced poor horn growth that interfered with the animals' faces. Repeated back crossing on the Mouflon improved horn growth to the extent that the hybrid attracted the attention of trophy hunters. Eventually, a strain of exotic looking animals with massive horns evolved and came to be referred to as "Corsican" in reference to the origin of the Mouflon ancestors. The original cross has subsequently been developed into several distinctive breeds of hair sheep. The American Blackbelly is a breed of Corsican descent that is readily identifiable by a very well-defined coat pattern and is registered by the Barbados Blackbelly Sheep Association International- BBSAI. Rams generally display spectacular horns, while ewes may have horns or are polled (hornless). The sheep sport a distinctive hair coat in a range of tan to brown to red, with dramatic black markings.
The American Blackbelly is a thrifty, energetic, small- to medium-sized sheep with a strong flocking instinct. Because of this trait, American Blackbelly sheep are excellent for training cutting horses and herding dogs. It is well adapted to a broad range of environments, breeding goals, and management styles. On the farm, it is desired for its productivity and thriftiness, great prolificacy, and fairly low maintenance. Mature ewes generally have two to three or more lambs in any season, and depending on management, are capable of lambing three times in two years or so. They are very good mothers. Because of their potential reproductive capacity and out-of-season breeding, ewes are suited to an accelerated lambing program.American Blackbelly sheep will grow more or less winter wool, mostly in response to local winter conditions, which is entirely shed in spring/summer to reveal a coarse, flat hair coat with distinctive, antelope-like markings. It is never docked or sheared. As American Blackbelly Sheep are hair sheep (have no wool and therefore no lanolin) to taint the flavor of the meat, this ensures that blackbelly lamb never tastes "muttony." Blackbelly lamb is an exceptionally mild-flavored, lean meat said to please even those folks who say they don't like lamb. It tastes very similar to Mountain Sheep.
3 Texas Longhorn Cows available. 3 likely bred to Speckle Park. Calves in pictures are from previous years. Very quiet, sweet group of girls with great mothering instincts. 1 red and white, 2 black. ~4 years old. Herd sire shown in 4th picture.
One year old male pot belly pig, perfect for breeding. Pick up Renfrew.
Asking $100 each. Serious buyers only. The father is a white boar, and red sow. All males are castrated.
24 4x5 heavy round bales of hay, mostly grassy mix with a little alfalfa. Baled dry but was a little over mature. Still decent hay for cattle or whatever. Net wrapped and went through a cutter baler, not chopped super fine. $40 a bale.
Born May 26
Both parents on site and featured in pictures. Dad is red,.mom is black.
Bronco is all black as well
He was needled at birth
Both parents are papered but he isn't.
Asking $1700 obo
We have two registered kunekune bores available. Happy, healthy, excellent breeding quality bores!
Price reduced to 650 each. We have spring piglets on the way so these guys need to go on to their new homes to make way for the next generation
Both bores are friendly gentle and easy to handle. Excellent bloodlines and great physical bread characteristics. Both are a good size and roundness would make excellent breeders for meat production or hobby breeding.
The bores are a year and a half old and ready for breeding. February is a great time to start your litter planning to have piglets at the start of the warm weather and after things dry up from winter.
We have one gilt from our last litter available who is from completely unrelated parents so we can do one breeding pair if your looking to get started with kunekune. Discount on ready to breed breeding pair for 1400.
Bore 1 first three photos bore 2 last three photos
AKKPS # 28118
AKKPS # 28119
You can check them out and our other offering on our website www.clayhousefarms.com
Or on social media @clayhousefarms
Sheep Shearing
Servicing Eastern Ottawa & Western Quebec.
$100 Minimum. Pricing based on number of sheep and location.Reply to ad or text/call 613-312-7059.
I am starting to take reservations for the upcoming season for blue bresse hatching eggs. Price is $8 each, or a 14-pack for $110. Shipping is available across Canada. My hatching rates are high, normally around 97-98%, However, I cannot guarantee your hatching rate given the differences in incubation practices, shipping, etc That being said, most of my clients are reporting good success rates. For more information, please feel free to message me.
5 month old (DOB Aug 23) Pure Speckle Park bull calf (registration and DNA pending “Kings Creek Macintosh” by Underhill All Out (CAN5951) Out of US Applewood (CAN10535)
Low birth weight, quiet calf. Weaning this month, vaccinated and dewormed. Loves grain.
1st pic is calf, 2nd is mom and calf when born, and 3rd pic is Sire. Located in Pembroke
PureBred America Blackbelly Sheep Forsale
We are proud Breeders or American Blackbelly Sheep and registered breeders with the BBSAI. Our farm is located between Beachburg and Westmeath Ontario.
Our sheep are grass fed all summer and fed Quality hay in the winter. If you enjoy high quality delicious Organic meat then this is the Breed for you.
We are almost Completely sold out of stock. One Ram left. We currently have available One Ram. He is suitable for Breeding Stock or for the freezer. We can make available one ewe if you want a Breeding pair. We are asking $500 obo For the Ram which is below market Value. We will have new lambs in the spring available if you wish to be added to our mailing list you will be notified of upcoming sales.
Txt Lisa at 613-298-6801
E-mail windylookoutfarm@gmail.com
Or reply through this add
We are not licensed for killing/cutting and wrapping.
Breed information
The American Blackbelly sheep is a hair sheep, originally developed by crossbreeding programs involving primarily Mouflon and Barbados Blackbelly. Resulting hybrids produced poor horn growth that interfered with the animals' faces. Repeated back crossing on the Mouflon improved horn growth to the extent that the hybrid attracted the attention of trophy hunters. Eventually, a strain of exotic looking animals with massive horns evolved and came to be referred to as "Corsican" in reference to the origin of the Mouflon ancestors. The original cross has subsequently been developed into several distinctive breeds of hair sheep. The American Blackbelly is a breed of Corsican descent that is readily identifiable by a very well-defined coat pattern and is registered by the Barbados Blackbelly Sheep Association International- BBSAI. Rams generally display spectacular horns, while ewes may have horns or are polled (hornless). The sheep sport a distinctive hair coat in a range of tan to brown to red, with dramatic black markings.
The American Blackbelly is a thrifty, energetic, small- to medium-sized sheep with a strong flocking instinct. Because of this trait, American Blackbelly sheep are excellent for training cutting horses and herding dogs. It is well adapted to a broad range of environments, breeding goals, and management styles. On the farm, it is desired for its productivity and thriftiness, great prolificacy, and fairly low maintenance. Mature ewes generally have two to three or more lambs in any season, and depending on management, are capable of lambing three times in two years or so. They are very good mothers. Because of their potential reproductive capacity and out-of-season breeding, ewes are suited to an accelerated lambing program.American Blackbelly sheep will grow more or less winter wool, mostly in response to local winter conditions, which is entirely shed in spring/summer to reveal a coarse, flat hair coat with distinctive, antelope-like markings. It is never docked or sheared. As American Blackbelly Sheep are hair sheep (have no wool and therefore no lanolin) to taint the flavor of the meat, this ensures that blackbelly lamb never tastes "muttony." Blackbelly lamb is an exceptionally mild-flavored, lean meat said to please even those folks who say they don't like lamb. It tastes very similar to Mountain Sheep.
One year old male pot belly pig, perfect for breeding. Pick up Renfrew.
5 Breeding Boars for sale. Each weigh anywhere between 300-350 LBS. Ready to go ASAP
$120 per boar or OBO2 Youngs sows (last 3 pictures) not pregnant. ready to go in a couple weeks..
$150 per Sow or OBO
Vietnamese Hmong Chicken hatching eggs available. Quality birds that are excellent foragers with gentle dispositions.
Shipping available by across Canada.
$16 each or $220 for a 14-pk.
My current hatch rate here is around 95%, however, due to differences in incubation techniques and conditions, I cannot guarantee results. That being said, we have had excellent reports from our buyers.
Feel free to message me for more information.
5 month old (DOB Aug 23) Pure Speckle Park bull calf (registration and DNA pending “Kings Creek Macintosh” by Underhill All Out (CAN5951) Out of US Applewood (CAN10535)
Low birth weight, quiet calf. Weaning this month, vaccinated and dewormed. Loves grain.
1st pic is calf, 2nd is mom and calf when born, and 3rd pic is Sire. Located in Pembroke
6 year old grass fed longhorn bull for sale. Too many daughters in the herd, will be sad to see him go. He's gentle, curious, big, and makes very colourful calves. Photos show some of his calves, they are not for sale.
Born May 26
Both parents on site and featured in pictures. Dad is red,.mom is black.
Bronco is all black as well
He was needled at birth
Both parents are papered but he isn't.
Asking $1700 obo
Sheep Shearing
Servicing Eastern Ottawa & Western Quebec.
$100 Minimum. Pricing based on number of sheep and location.Reply to ad or text/call 613-312-7059.
4'x5' hard core round bales
- 60/40 birdsfoot trefoil, clover/grass mix
- wrapped
- no rain
- delivery available