Pets, Livestock with in Canada, Ontario, Renfrew County.
One extra age (October 2023) and four yearling bulls for sale this spring from Twin Creeks Farm via private treaty. Bulls are located on the farm near Foresters Falls. Contact to view the bulls. They have all been vaccinated with a modified live Vaccinate and will be semen tested in early March. Bulls will be priced between 5500-8000. Please contact for more information or to book a time to view the bulls.
Meet Moo-Moo!
Moo-Moo is our gilt pick of the year for 2024, shes currently 9 months old, shes super cute with a unique black and white color, double waddled female Kunekune pig.
She has great physical characteristics, big, well rounded body, great thick legs and hams. An ideal breeder pig for anyone raising kunekune.
She has a very hard to beat COI of 3.21! So perfect genes for a breed stock program. She also has perfect proportion and large characteristics for meat production breeding
AKKPS: 53831
We also have a registered unrelated breeding bore for anyone interested in breeding pairs.
We also have plenty of unregistered castrated bores for finishing.
Check out my other adds for more pigs
Feel free to check out our farms page @ClayHouseFarms On Facebook and Instagram or our website www.clayhousefarms.com
I have a diverse flock of chickens, including Leghorns, Easter Eggers, and Rhode Islands, in a variety of beautiful colors. They’re currently laying eggs in a stunning range of shades: blue, brown, white, pink, red, dark red, and even spotted red.
We also have several roosters in the flock, ensuring fertilized eggs are available for hatching. Right now, we’re collecting about six eggs a day. If you're interested in fertilized eggs, please let us know a couple of days in advance so we can save them for you.
Price: $20 per dozen
Perfect for: Starting your own backyard chicken farming adventure!Let us know, and come pick up your eggs! ✨
Looking for a young boar preferably pink in color in Pembroke area. No mini pigs.
*Only one left
We have two AKKPS registered kunekune bores available. Happy, healthy, excellent breeding quality bores!
Both bores are friendly gentle and easy to handle. Excellent bloodlines and great physical bread characteristics. Both are a good size and roundness would make excellent breeders for meat production or hobby breeding.
The bores are a year and a half old and ready for breeding.
We have one gilt from our last litter available who is from completely unrelated parents so we can do one breeding pair if your looking to get started with kunekune. Discount on ready to breed breeding pair for 1150.
Bore 1 first three photos bore 2 last three photos
AKKPS # 28118
AKKPS # 28119
COI: 5.6
You can check them out and our other offering on our website www.clayhousefarms.com
Or on social media @clayhousefarms
Under a year old name is Tom great temperament 5 month old female available too
8week old nzld/cali mix bunnies looking for new homes
$20 each
Located outside of Renfrew
Females are $25 each (guaranteed female)
Marans $15
Straight run Easter Eggers $8.
Discounts on multiples
Black/Blue Copper Marans - eggs & unsexed chicks.
Olive Eggers - sexed female chicks or sexlinked eggs.
Cream/ Opal Legbars - autosexed blue layers
Fibro Easter Eggers - sexed female chicks or sexlinked eggs (females will lay a greenish to blueish egg)
Easter Eggers- Eggs and Unsexed chicks but females will be Guaranteed to lay blue/green/olive.
$55/dozen for Marans
$55/dozen for Legbars
$55/dozen for the Olive Eggers/fibro Green Layers that will be we sexable at hatch
$30/dozen for the Easter Eggers that will all result in coloured layers (Roos are wheaten Americauna, Silverudd’s Blue and Legbar to ensure a variety of cool looking chicks with crests, puffy cheeks and unique feather patterns in addition to cool coloured eggs)
A $5 discount per dozen when order more then one dozen
Sprint is coming. Time to replenish your stocks. We have the following to offer in quails:
1) Coturnix quail (good for egg laying and meat):
Chicks available now, $1.00 each for day olds, Minimum order $50.00.
2) Coturnix quail hatching eggs, $6.00 a dozen. Excellent hatching rate.
3) Mixed bobwhite quail hatching eggs, $20.00 a dozen.
4) Bobwhite quail chicks $5.00 each, mixed color, northern bobwhites and Tennessee reds. Adults $10.00 each.Minimum order $50.00. Pick up at our Ottawa farm or delivery with delivery fee.
Note that you will need a license for keeping northern bobwhites in Ontario.
Three bottle fed lambs. Two males one female. $100 each.
Intact black male pot belly pig, one year old. Friendly and socialized around other farm animals, including goats, chicken and sheep. Pick up in Renfrew.
We are a small on farm, family run feed mill . Our goal is to provide healthy , wholesome, and more natural feed choices at reasonable prices . Our feeds are formulated with locally grown NON-GMO ingredients. We have both GMO-Free and Organicly Grown products .
Whole Oats $10.00/40 pound bag
Whole Corn Non-GMO $12.00 /25 kg bag ,
Wheat $13.00/ 25 kg bag
Roasted Beans Non-GMO $26.00/25 kg bag
The above products are also available as Organically Grown
Totes can be ordered
Also complete feeds calf, poultry (layer & broiler), pig, deer &wildlife feed.
GMO Free 17% Layer $22.00/25 kg bag
Organicly Grown 17% Layer $27.00 /25 Kg bag
Broiler Chicken Grower Finisher GMO-Free $21.00/25 kg bag
We offer custom mixes and Custom Soybean Roasting .
Deer feeds are all GMO-Free and includes the following choices
Apple Flavor
Molasses Flavor
Unflavored Feed
also Deer Mineral ,Apple , Vanilla, and Unflavored choices
We also carry Bale wrap , net wrap , and liquid molasses
Wednesday 9-5
Friday 9-5
Saturday 9-12
Otherwise by appointment
Jay Pearl Feeds
129 Snake River Line
Cobden ON
K0J 1K0
Call or text 613-281-4475
Email: jaypearlfeeds@mwpol.ca
Year old angus bulls, several to choose from. Some heifer bulls and some with heavier birthweights for use on cows. Solid, predictable pedigrees. Mostly A.I sires, dams all on site with calves at side.
Starting at $4500.00
Please contact for more details.
Breeding Pair of black pot belly pigs. Both under a year old. pick up Renfrew.
Excellent Second Cut for sale. Small square alfalfa mixed hay. No Sunday sales please. Thank you.
Barnyard mix chicks - scattered hatch - starting around March 6th
Great layers and some colourful eggs
hens throw off nice large/XL eggs!
Our beautiful and efficient leghorns are having babies!!!! Eggs have gone in the incubator and we are starting a waitlist. Our leghorns are a blue and light brown Color.
These beauties aren’t only known for their looks, as they are a favorite of the poultry industry. The leghorn will lay anywhere from 280-320 eggs per year. That equates to about 4+ eggs per week! They are absolute machines when it comes to egg production and, for that reason, are one of the best egg laying chickens. They are a wonderful chicken for people who are looking to reduce their feed costs with high egg yield. They are stunning egg layers but not a cuddly breed. Lay a large white egg.
Day old chicks $10
Pick up in Madawaska delivery possible to pembroke.
Minimum of 4 chicks per order
We have blue and brown leghorn chicks available $10 each located in Madawaska
For updates check out our Facebook page South Algonquin Poultry
I have dry square bales for $3.50 and round bales for $25.00 All have been stored inside, not out in the weather.
Just a little bundle of pics to show how amazing our Mille fleur chicks are coming along.
Pics of our breeding stock, Hank is our Mille fleur bantam Cochin roo over two Mille fleur frizzle hens, one mille fleur smooth hen, a buff hen, two black hens and one lavender.
We also added pics of the chicks from hatch to a couple of weeks .
The mille fleur may not get its full coloring until after the first molt.
We have Mille fleur chicks available, smooth and frizzle
Smooth $20
Frizzle $22
Barnyard mix chicks - scattered hatch - starting around March 6th
Great layers and some colourful eggs
hens throw off nice large/XL eggs!
Our beautiful and efficient leghorns are having babies!!!! Eggs have gone in the incubator and we are starting a waitlist. Our leghorns are a blue and light brown Color.
These beauties aren’t only known for their looks, as they are a favorite of the poultry industry. The leghorn will lay anywhere from 280-320 eggs per year. That equates to about 4+ eggs per week! They are absolute machines when it comes to egg production and, for that reason, are one of the best egg laying chickens. They are a wonderful chicken for people who are looking to reduce their feed costs with high egg yield. They are stunning egg layers but not a cuddly breed. Lay a large white egg.
Day old chicks $10
Pick up in Madawaska delivery possible to pembroke.
Minimum of 4 chicks per order
I have dry square bales for $3.50 and round bales for $25.00 All have been stored inside, not out in the weather.
Just a little bundle of pics to show how amazing our Mille fleur chicks are coming along.
Pics of our breeding stock, Hank is our Mille fleur bantam Cochin roo over two Mille fleur frizzle hens, one mille fleur smooth hen, a buff hen, two black hens and one lavender.
We also added pics of the chicks from hatch to a couple of weeks .
The mille fleur may not get its full coloring until after the first molt.
We have Mille fleur chicks available, smooth and frizzle
Smooth $20
Frizzle $22
Great homestead milk cow, has had 2 calves, great mother, was bottle fed. Calve is sold, only the cow is available. Black Hereford is her cross.
We have a few too many Roosters. Please let us know if you're interested.
Now booking to reserve fertilized svarthona eggs. Shipping available across Canada. Hatch rate here is around 96-98%, however I cannot guarantee the same given different incubation and shipping and receiving practises. That being said, I have received good reports from clients.
Asking $15 ea or save money with a 14-pack for $200.
Shipping quote is provided on request.
I have 5 purebred Vietnamese Hmong chicks that are currently 6 days old.
I am selling due to a change in plans for the summer season.
Available for pickup only.
$22 each or the lot of 5 for $100
Straight runAlready priced lower than current market value.
Serious inquiries only.
Price increases with every week they are here so the sooner the better if you’re interested.
3 year old Billy alpine cross with sanaan fairly quiet loves attention snd good with the female goat.dont want to sell but I can't let him breed 2 of my females do he is for sale.
Hatching starting end of March
Breading for biggest fluffy poofs and fluffy feet. No coloured separation so getting really beautiful mixed feathering.
$15 per chick
Hatching eggs are sometimes available at $40 dozen (hatching rate lower then 70% price down to $30)
American Blackbelly Ram for sale. He is 2.5 years old. Good breeding stock and good Butcher size. Trying to make room for Lambing season. $500 obo. As is $500 is below market value for this breed. Do your own research and make me an offer.
Located in Westmeath On. Local delivery available
Hello - I have 2 breeding gilts for sale. They are both Kune Kune/Mangalitsa cross breed. Very calm and friendly. Perfect weight for breeding. Thick fur allows them to stay warm in winter months. 400$ per pig or 700$ for the pair. Would prefer to sell together.
2022 first cut. Located in rankin.
We have one breeding pair of unrelated kunekune pigs available.
One gilt to AKKPS: 31692 she's black and white double waddled very friendly and curious, easy to handle
Bore is AKKPS:28119
ginger and black double waddled
Super friendly and sweet, easy to handle
The bores are a year and 8 month approximately and the gilt is a year and around 2 month old.
Ready to breed.
small square bales of first cut hay, mainly timothy with some alfalfa
delivery possible I deliver 100 bales per load in an enclosed trailer, price is $1/km
Sheep Shearing
Servicing Eastern Ottawa & Western Quebec.
$100 Minimum. Pricing based on number of sheep and location.Reply to ad or text/call 613-312-7059.
Looking for ducks preferably babys
Our beautiful and efficient leghorns are having babies!!!! Eggs have gone in the incubator and we are starting a waitlist. Our leghorns are a blue and light brown Color.
These beauties aren’t only known for their looks, as they are a favorite of the poultry industry. The leghorn will lay anywhere from 280-320 eggs per year. That equates to about 4+ eggs per week! They are absolute machines when it comes to egg production and, for that reason, are one of the best egg laying chickens. They are a wonderful chicken for people who are looking to reduce their feed costs with high egg yield. They are stunning egg layers but not a cuddly breed. Lay a large white egg.
Day old chicks $10
Pick up in Madawaska delivery possible to pembroke.
Minimum of 4 chicks per order
3 year old Billy alpine cross with sanaan fairly quiet loves attention snd good with the female goat.dont want to sell but I can't let him breed 2 of my females do he is for sale.
Hatching starting end of March
Breading for biggest fluffy poofs and fluffy feet. No coloured separation so getting really beautiful mixed feathering.
$15 per chick
Hatching eggs are sometimes available at $40 dozen (hatching rate lower then 70% price down to $30)
We have two AKKPS registered kunekune bores available. Happy, healthy, excellent breeding quality bores!
Price reduced to 650 each. We have spring piglets on the way so these guys need to go on to their new homes to make way for the next generation
Both bores are friendly gentle and easy to handle. Excellent bloodlines and great physical bread characteristics. Both are a good size and roundness would make excellent breeders for meat production or hobby breeding.
The bores are a year and a half old and ready for breeding. February is a great time to start your litter planning to have piglets at the start of the warm weather and after things dry up from winter.
We have one gilt from our last litter available who is from completely unrelated parents so we can do one breeding pair if your looking to get started with kunekune. Discount on ready to breed breeding pair for 1400.
Bore 1 first three photos bore 2 last three photos
AKKPS # 28118
AKKPS # 28119
COI: 5.6
You can check them out and our other offering on our website www.clayhousefarms.com
Or on social media @clayhousefarms
Sheep Shearing
Servicing Eastern Ottawa & Western Quebec.
$100 Minimum. Pricing based on number of sheep and location.Reply to ad or text/call 613-312-7059.
Round Bales of 4x5 dry hay for sale Excellent for horse,or cattle bedding
Also great garden mulch Next best thing to straw $20.00 per bale
Born February 2022. His sire was purebred Rideau Arcott, his dam 1/2 Icelandic, 1/2 Dorset.
He produced lots of vigorous lambs last year, 18 lambs no loses. He has bred our ewes again for this years lambing.The last 3 pictures are of some of his offspring.
This is scrappy she is over a year old and loved by the family. She is good with all animals (dogs, horse,chickens,bunnies)
And with kids of all ages. He reset friend chicken has moved in with our other chickens and she is now lonely and keeps escaping our yard to go to our neighbors horses that don’t like her. We are either looking to sell her for her own safety or find her a friend for a decent price either a goat or another small pig. $200 pm for more info or if you have an animal friend in mind for her.
Barnyard mix chicks - scattered hatch - starting around March 6th
Great layers and some colourful eggs
hens throw off nice large/XL eggs!
Our beautiful and efficient leghorns are having babies!!!! Eggs have gone in the incubator and we are starting a waitlist. Our leghorns are a blue and light brown Color.
These beauties aren’t only known for their looks, as they are a favorite of the poultry industry. The leghorn will lay anywhere from 280-320 eggs per year. That equates to about 4+ eggs per week! They are absolute machines when it comes to egg production and, for that reason, are one of the best egg laying chickens. They are a wonderful chicken for people who are looking to reduce their feed costs with high egg yield. They are stunning egg layers but not a cuddly breed. Lay a large white egg.
Day old chicks $10
Pick up in Madawaska delivery possible to pembroke.
Minimum of 4 chicks per order
Bantam Cochin hens
Black $25 ( 2 available)
Isabel $45 (1 available)
First generation Satins
2 barred $25
1 khaki $25
Free bobtail bantam Cochin rooster
I have dry square bales for $3.50 and round bales for $25.00 All have been stored inside, not out in the weather.
Now booking to reserve fertilized svarthona eggs. Shipping available across Canada. Hatch rate here is around 96-98%, however I cannot guarantee the same given different incubation and shipping and receiving practises. That being said, I have received good reports from clients.
Asking $15 ea or save money with a 14-pack for $200.
Shipping quote is provided on request.